Oherin's Grove

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of faith in Oherin's Grove revolve around the principles of balance and harmony. They include:

Preservation of Nature: The faithful of Oherin's Grove are dedicated to safeguarding the natural world and protecting its delicate balance. They strive to preserve and conserve natural spaces, advocating for the creation and maintenance of parks and significant wilderness areas.

Promotion of Interconnectedness: Oherin's followers understand the interconnectedness of all living beings and promote awareness of this interdependence. They encourage others to recognize the importance of balance and to respect and value the relationships between different elements of nature.

Conservation and Sustainability: The faithful of Oherin actively work to slow down or redirect the encroachment of civilization on natural lands. They take practical conservation efforts, such as planting trees, aiding in wildlife breeding, and nursing sick animals back to health. They also engage in activities that promote sustainable practices and the preservation of natural resources.

Fostering Harmony: Oherin's followers seek to maintain harmony between opposing forces, such as fire and ice, water and drought, and life and death. They strive to understand and respect the balance between these forces and work towards resolving conflicts in a way that preserves harmony and balance.

Connection with Nature: The faithful of Oherin's Grove cultivate a deep connection with nature through rituals and ceremonies. They seek communion with the divine realm of Oherin, often by anointing their bodies with natural substances and spending time in contact with trees. They believe these practices enhance their spiritual connection with nature and the god they worship.

These tenets guide the actions and beliefs of the followers of Oherin's Grove, shaping their commitment to the preservation of nature, the pursuit of balance, and the understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.


The tenets of faith in Oherin's Grove provide a guiding framework for the everyday lives and decisions of the faithful. While the core principles have been outlined previously, here are some extended rules and interpretations that further define what is considered a pious act and what constitutes a sin within the context of Oherin's teachings:

Preservation of Nature:

Pious Act: Actively participating in conservation efforts, such as volunteering for clean-up activities, supporting wildlife rehabilitation centers, and advocating for the protection of endangered species and habitats.

Sin: Engaging in activities that directly harm or exploit the natural world, such as illegal poaching, destructive logging, or polluting ecosystems.

Promotion of Interconnectedness:

Pious Act: Nurturing and fostering positive relationships with all living beings, including animals, plants, and fellow humans. Showing kindness, empathy, and respect towards all forms of life.

Sin: Committing acts of cruelty or harm towards any living being, disregarding the interconnectedness and interdependence of all living things.

Conservation and Sustainability:

Pious Act: Practicing sustainable living by reducing waste, conserving energy and water, and supporting eco-friendly practices. Promoting responsible consumption and minimizing environmental impact.

Sin: Engaging in excessive consumption, wastefulness, or contributing to environmental degradation through unsustainable practices.

Fostering Harmony:

Pious Act: Mediating conflicts, promoting peaceful resolutions, and striving to find a balance between opposing forces within personal relationships and larger societal issues.

Sin: Instigating or perpetuating conflicts, promoting disharmony, or causing harm through aggressive or violent actions.

Connection with Nature:

Pious Act: Spending time in nature, observing and appreciating its beauty, and seeking spiritual communion with Oherin through rituals and ceremonies.

Sin: Disconnecting from nature, neglecting the spiritual connection with the divine realm of Oherin, or engaging in practices that harm or exploit the natural world.

It is important to note that these extended rules and interpretations are not meant to be exhaustive or rigid. The clergy of Oherin's Grove, guided by the High Elders, are responsible for providing guidance and interpreting the specific circumstances and nuances of each situation. They consider the intent, context, and potential consequences of actions when determining their alignment with Oherin's teachings.

The faithful are encouraged to seek counsel from the clergy and to engage in self-reflection to ensure their actions align with the principles of balance, harmony, and conservation. Through continuous learning, observation, and contemplation of the natural world, the faithful deepen their understanding of Oherin's teachings and strive to live a life that upholds the sacred values of Oherin's Grove.


Worship in Oherin's Grove is deeply rooted in nature and the principles of balance and harmony. The faithful engage in various practices, rituals, and traditions to connect with Oherin and demonstrate their devotion to the god of nature and wilderness. Here are some of the everyday and regular practices of the faithful:

Communion with Nature: The faithful spend time in nature, observing and appreciating its beauty. They seek solitude in natural settings, such as forests, mountains, or bodies of water, to establish a deeper connection with Oherin and the natural world.

Study and Observation: Followers of Oherin's Grove are encouraged to study nature and learn from personal observation throughout their lives. They closely observe the cycles of nature, the interconnection of all living things, and the delicate balance that sustains life.

Rituals and Ceremonies: The faithful participate in various rituals and ceremonies that are deeply rooted in nature and the worship of Oherin. These rituals serve as opportunities to express gratitude, seek blessings, and strengthen their spiritual connection with the god. Some common rituals include:

The faithful gather on a hill with a stand of trees crowning the top. This sacred location serves as a gathering place to connect with Oherin and seek blessings. During this ritual, something wooden is ceremonially broken and buried, symbolizing the cycle of life and death. Wooden carts, wagons, or chairs are commonly used as sacrificial items.

Followers collect leaves from various trees and float them on still water while entreating Oherin to hear their prayers. This ritual is believed to enhance the connection between the worshiper and nature.

For more serious concerns, the faithful anoint their bodies with powder made from crushed nuts and berries mixed with clean, fresh water. They then spend the night with some part of their bare flesh held in contact with a tree. This immersive experience allows the worshiper to commune with the spirits in the divine realm of Oherin.

Dress and Symbols: The faithful of Oherin's Grove often wear practical attire that prioritizes functionality over ceremonial appearance. A common item is a loose brown cloak adorned with feathers and carefully watered, woven-in clumps of moss and twigs. They may also wear white egg-shaped stones engraved with the antlers of a stag, which glow white when used by a faithful follower and function as a focus for Primal and Divine magic.

Connection with Fey Creatures: The clergy of Oherin's Grove actively seek out fey creatures, especially dryads, and dedicate themselves to helping them maintain and protect the trees they guard. This deep friendship and cooperation with fey beings play a significant role in the worship and practices of the faithful.

Balance and Interconnectedness: The faithful are deeply committed to preserving and maintaining harmony between opposing forces, such as fire and ice, water and drought, and life and death. They seek to promote awareness of the balance and interdependence of all things, encouraging others to recognize the importance of balance and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

These practices, rituals, and traditions form the foundation of worship in Oherin's Grove. The faithful strive to live their lives in alignment with the principles of balance, harmony, and conservation, seeking to protect the natural world and honor the god of nature and wilderness, Oherin.


The faithful of Oherin's Grove are guided by a select group of individuals known as the High Elders. These High Elders are appointed based on their deep knowledge, wisdom, and dedication to the principles and teachings of Oherin. They are chosen from within the ranks of the clergy who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and spiritual insight.

The appointment of High Elders is not a formal process but rather a recognition of their exemplary devotion and service to the Grove. Their selection is often based on the consensus of the existing High Elders and the clergy as a whole. High Elders are distinguished from the rest of the flock by their extensive understanding of the rituals, ceremonies, and teachings of Oherin. They possess a profound connection with nature and the divine realm of Oherin, and they are seen as spiritual guides and mentors for the rest of the faithful.

High Elders have the responsibility of overseeing the religious practices, rituals, and ceremonies within Oherin's Grove. They provide guidance and counsel to the clergy and the followers of Oherin, ensuring that the principles of balance, harmony, and conservation are upheld. High Elders are often sought out for their wisdom and spiritual insights, and they play a crucial role in resolving conflicts, interpreting the will of Oherin, and making important decisions that affect the organization and its followers.

The High Elders are distinguished by their attire, which includes a cloak made of rich green fabric adorned with intricate patterns symbolizing the interconnectedness of all living beings. They also wear a pendant or amulet featuring the symbol of Oherin, which represents their authority and connection to the divine.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The presence of Oherin's Grove and its followers has a significant impact on the political landscape wherever it is found. The values and teachings of the Grove promote conservation, preservation of natural spaces, and the balance between civilization and nature. As a result, the faithful of Oherin's Grove actively advocate for policies and initiatives that align with these principles, influencing political decisions and shaping the environmental agenda.

One of the key issues that the faithful of Oherin's Grove address is the encroachment of civilization on natural lands. They recognize that uncontrolled urbanization and development can have detrimental effects on the environment. Therefore, they work with those in power, including local government officials and influential individuals, to slow down or redirect the development of civilization in a way that preserves natural spaces. Their efforts often lead to the creation and preservation of parks, protected areas, and significant wilderness regions, ensuring the continued existence of vital ecosystems.

The clergy of Oherin's Grove play a crucial role in lobbying and advocating for the preservation and safeguarding of natural spaces. Their extensive knowledge of the natural world and the delicate balance that exists between urbanization and the wilderness gives them credibility and influence in political discussions and decision-making processes. They provide evidence, expert opinions, and practical solutions to address environmental challenges, thereby shaping policies and regulations that prioritize conservation and sustainability.

Additionally, the connection between Oherin's Grove and fey creatures, particularly dryads, adds a unique dimension to the political landscape. The deep friendship and cooperation between the clergy and these fey beings can sometimes be met with skepticism or disdain from those who have had negative experiences with the fey. However, the clergy's ability to maintain harmony and protect the trees and natural resources that the fey guard establishes a strong foundation for collaborative efforts between the Grove and local communities.

Furthermore, Oherin's Grove often hires adventuring parties to combat threats to the balance of nature, such as monsters or disruptions caused by external forces. This involvement in practical problem-solving and defense of the natural order brings the influence of the Grove beyond political discussions and into direct action. By actively engaging in these activities, the Grove demonstrates its commitment to protecting the environment and ensuring the well-being of the ecosystems that sustain life.

"In Nature's Grace, We Find Sacred Harmony"

Druidic Circle


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