On the Nature of the Divine


The gods are not omnipresent, omnipotent, nor omniscient. They can focus their attention, but need to be called and prayed to in order for that to happen. As a partial exception, their altars and holy places are always connected to them, and they can see, hear, and speak there whenever they wish. The wider world is not the domain of the gods, they have their own planes, this is why they require their priests, clerics and other devoted to speak through. Prayer at locations where two spaces meet, the shore, a crossroads, the threshold of a building or archway of a door are also ways of guiding their attention, but they do not have to.   Between the four sections of gods is constant rivalry and conflict, especially those forces that oppose one another. Order is always attempting to outwit and outmatch Chaos just as Light is always trying to banish the Dark. Those planes where these forces intersect are battlefields of the gods, perpetual skirmishes between the forces of the universe. Coincidentally, also where the Night Hags barter their wares, the souls of those who they have taken in bargains and deals.


Different hertiages and groups see the representation of the gods differently. Statues and icons are made in the manner of which they witness the gods, the Elfs see reflections of themselves in the gods, both good and bad, but the Dwarfs see them as patterns in ore, crystals, and gem formations. They are all the same gods, but the view changes based on where and with whom you were raised.
Metaphysical, Divine


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