Queen of Night and Magic (/fʲiːk bʲeːŋɡ cɛx ˈmʲɑːcɛ/)

Fíc béngg Ceich Mácei

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Queen of Night and Magic has an ancient appearance, with gnarled skin akin to teakwood and long, gray hair that cascades like elaborate lacework. Her eyes are a deep, enchanting abyss, filled with the wisdom and mysteries of eons passed. She typically adorns herself with the unfinished natural materials of her realm.

Personality Characteristics


The Queen of Night and Magic, ruling over Giagiaaig, is primarily driven by her fascination with the manipulation and understanding of magic. She thrives on exploration and acquisition of magical knowledge, often using her domain as a testing ground for honing her magical abilities. Her desires extend to the collection of magical items and spellbooks, indicating a priority of amassing magical artifacts and lore. Additionally, she exhibits an affinity for imparting knowledge - a gesture that could be interpreted as a desire to educate or influence others in the field of magic. Her imperious nature suggests a priority for establishing and maintaining dominance, underlined by her expectation of reverence from visitors and her surrounding court.

Virtues & Personality perks

The Queen of Night and Magic's strengths lie in her vast knowledge and control of magic. Her ability to create magical copies of herself and other creatures demonstrates a high level of mastery in her craft. Her fascination with magic in all its forms shows her dedication and passion, which fuels her continuous learning and experimentation.

Her ancient appearance, indicative of her age, suggests a wealth of experience that adds to her magical prowess. Furthermore, her ability to impart knowledge onto others not only showcases her generosity but also her potential as a mentor or guide in the realm of magic.

Her imperious nature, while intimidating, can also be viewed as a testament to her assertiveness and confidence in her abilities. She commands respect and reverence, indicating strong leadership capabilities. Lastly, her choice of domain—a historical and nature-reclaimed elven tomb—demonstrates her appreciation for the natural and mystical world, further aligning with her magical pursuits.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite her confident and assertive exterior, the Queen of Night and Magic harbors a few hidden aspects to herself. She holds a secret belief in the power of destiny, often consulting ancient oracles and auguries in her spare time. This belief, however, is something she keeps to herself, fearing it might undermine her image of self-reliance and control over her own fate.

Moreover, her fascination with magic borders on addiction. She is constantly in pursuit of more magical knowledge and artifacts, often to the point of obsession. The Queen of Night and Magic can forgo sleep, food, and her own well-being to delve deeper into the arcane mysteries. This fixation, while it contributes to her prowess, can also lead her to disregard potential threats or overestimate her invulnerability, becoming a potential weakness.

Lastly, the Queen of Night and Magic has a subtle yet profound fear of oblivion. Despite her long life and substantial power, she secretly dreads the prospect of her magic fading or being forgotten in the sands of time. This fear drives her to constantly expand her knowledge and influence, ensuring her legacy within the annals of magical history.



The Queen of Night and Magic reigns over Giagiaaig, using it as her personal playground to test and hone her prowess in the manipulation of magic. Her dominion is not a grand palace or a resplendent castle, but a dilapidated elven tomb, a place steeped in history and the passage of time. This tomb, once a place of solemn respect, is now overgrown with lush, green moss, nature staking her claim over the forgotten architecture. It is decorated with statues, once proud and majestic, now slowly being overtaken by the persistent and insistent flora of the Faewyld.

Social Aptitude

The Queen of Night and Magic exudes an aura of charisma that is almost tangible. Her commanding presence, combined with her deep, melodious voice, can captivate and command the attention of anyone in her vicinity. Although she is imperious in nature, she maintains an air of approachability that invites others to engage with her, albeit with a healthy dose of respect and caution.

Her confidence is evident in her demeanor and actions. Whether it's casting powerful spells or addressing her court, she does so with an assuredness that leaves no room for doubt about her capabilities. This confidence is not unfounded, as her extensive knowledge and mastery of magic are testaments to her power and competence.

Her ego, while considerable, is not unwarranted. As an archfey of remarkable power and knowledge, she has earned her right to expect reverence and submission from others. However, she does not let her ego blind her to the importance of the contributions of others, recognizing value and merit where it is due.

In terms of extroversion, the Queen of Night and Magic is neither excessively outgoing nor overly reserved. She holds court with an air of dignity and grace, interacting with others in a manner that is both authoritative and engaging. While she enjoys solitude for her magical studies, she also values the company of her court and the exchange of ideas it brings.

Her etiquette and mannerisms are a blend of ancient customs and personal idiosyncrasies. She carries herself with an elegance that speaks of bygone eras, her movements graceful and deliberate. When addressing others, she speaks with a formal yet approachable tone, her words chosen with care to convey her thoughts precisely. Her mannerisms, such as the thoughtful stroke of her chin when deep in thought or the subtle lift of her brow when intrigued, add to her enigmatic and captivating persona.


The Queen of Night and Magic has a deep and melodious voice, laced with an accent reminiscent of ancient Sylvan dialects. Her tone often varies between imperious commands and gentle whispers of arcane knowledge, always maintaining an air of mystery and authority. She speaks with a slow, measured pitch, each word carrying the weight of eons of wisdom and power.

Her dialect is old and sophisticated, adding an extra layer to her enigmatic persona. She does not have any speech impediments, and her words flow smoothly, much like the magical energies she controls.

The Queen of Night and Magic has a few catch phrases, most notably "In the weave of magic, we find our destiny", and "Knowledge is the truest power". She often uses metaphors related to magic and nature, such as "Like a river, magic finds its own path" or "A seed of knowledge can grow into a tree of wisdom".

For compliments, she often praises intelligence and magical prowess, saying phrases like "Your magic shines brighter than the stars". On the other hand, her insults are usually subtle and indirect, often disguised as advice or observations, like "Even a blind owl could've seen that outcome".

Her greetings are formal and slightly aloof, often a simple "You stand before the Queen of Night and Magic". Her farewells often include a piece of wisdom or a cryptic hint, such as "May the stars guide your path".

Though she is not one to resort to crude language, the Queen of Night and Magic does use ancient curses in Sylvan when she's particularly upset. These are mostly phrases in the old Sylvan tongue, their meanings lost to time.

Current Location
Known Languages

Elvish, Sylvan

Ruled Locations


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