Rättnyttnöm Eg (/rɛːttˈnʏttnøːm eːj/)

Translates to "Cloud Giant" from the original Giant into Common. Rättnyttnöm Ega (/rɛːttˈnʏttnøːm eːja/) is the plural form, "Cloud Giants."

Rättnyttnöm Ega stand erect at soaring heights, reaching around 24 feet and weighing approximately 11,500 pounds. Their huge bodies display handsome and well-defined features, with light skin and hair of silver or blue. Their eyes are iridescent and they have an excellent sense of smell. They are wholly immune to lycanthropy of any form. Their vision extends into complete darkness.


Culture and cultural heritage

Rättnyttnöm Ega are fascinating creatures. They are reclusive giants that have unique abilities, allowing them to transform into mist and create billowing clouds of fog. They are spread throughout vast areas of the world and live in castles on high mountain peaks or on the solid clouds that once held their fiefs. These magical clouds are a lasting symbol of the giants' lost empires and serve as a reminder of their once-great power and influence.
Despite their reclusive nature, Rättnyttnöm Ega have a unique family unit. They often band together as a unified clan when in need, forming a powerful and mighty squad of giants. The giants are scattered across the world and avoid congregating in great numbers in any one place to avoid attracting too much attention. They know where their nearest neighbors are, even if the location is hundreds of miles away, and those neighbors know where their nearest neighbors are, and so on. This interconnectedness ensures that, in a crisis, word is spread from family to family so that a mighty squad of Rättnyttnöm Ega can be assembled if need arises.
The Rättnyttnöm Ega demand tribute from nearby humanoid communities, as they believe their presence benefits everyone by driving away many evils, especially flying predators. They engage in trade with these communities for clothing, food, jewelry, and wine. However, some communities have established good relations with these giants and would even come to their aid if endangered. The giants are known for their forbearance, as they could simply take what they want, but instead, they allow their tribute to be freely given.
In their free time, Rättnyttnöm Ega often spend their time frolicking or celebrating just about everything. They are avid gardeners, devoting space to produce enormous yields. Their easygoing nature makes them popular with those who know them, and they are always happy to welcome visitors who come in peace.

Shared customary codes and values

The culture of Rättnyttnöm Ega is truly fascinating, as it puts a high value on knowledge, magic, and extravagance. They take great pride in displaying their collections and wealth, as it is closely tied to their rank within their part of the Ordning. Not only that, but they are also highly creative and passionate about music. In fact, music plays an incredibly significant role in their society, with many Rättnyttnöm Ega being skilled musicians themselves. Their love for music is so great that they often host elaborate performances and festivals to showcase their talent.
Moreover, Rättnyttnöm Ega have a unique perspective on life, viewing it as a series of challenges to be met with joy and overcome with skill. This positive attitude is infectious and can be seen in all aspects of their culture, from their art to their social interactions.

Common Etiquette rules

The Rättnyttnöm Ega are known for their opulence and grandeur, which they express through their tradition of giving extravagant gifts to other families. These gifts are often worth much more than their actual value, and are meant to showcase the family's immense wealth and status. While giving gifts within the family is common, it is not considered a true display of the family's generosity.
In addition to their gift-giving tradition, the Rättnyttnöm Ega also follow a complex etiquette system centered around the concepts of victory and loss. Those who win are expected to share their success with others, while those who lose are expected to be gracious and humble. However, despite this emphasis on graciousness, some members of the family can be sore losers, leading to long-standing betting wars that span generations in an attempt to win back what was lost.
Overall, the Rättnyttnöm Ega place great value on the display of wealth and status, and use their gift-giving and etiquette traditions to reinforce their position as one of the most wealthy and powerful families in their community.

Common Dress code

The Rättnyttnöm Ega are known for their sense of fashion and style, with a strong emphasis on clothing made of the finest materials and exquisite jewelry. They have a unique approach to protection, preferring to carry or wear enchanted objects rather than armor, although when they do wear armor it is usually a chain shirt. The most striking aspect of their fashion is their use of masks. These masks are made of precious materials and adorned with gemstones, and are used to reflect the wearer's current mood. As their emotions shift throughout the day, Rättnyttnöm Ega individuals may change masks many times. The masks are highly valued for their material worth and the accuracy with which they express the wearer's mood.
This emphasis on fashion has led to a thriving community of artisans who sculpt and craft masks that meet the exacting standards of the Rättnyttnöm Ega. These artisans are richly rewarded for their skill, and the masks they create are highly sought after. Additionally, the Rättnyttnöm Ega's unique approach to fashion has led to the development of new techniques and materials for creating masks and other fashion items. This has in turn led to a growth in the fashion industry, with designers and artisans from other cultures seeking to learn from the Rättnyttnöm Ega's unique approach. Despite the emphasis on fashion, the Rättnyttnöm Ega are also known for their skill in magic and other arcane arts, which they use to create the enchanted objects that they use for protection.

Art & Architecture

They are renowned for their love of heights and for building their homes atop mountains that are often shrouded in clouds. The grandeur of their homes is simply breathtaking, with opulent windows and stunning gardens that are able to withstand even the harshest weather conditions. In addition to their impressive abodes, the Rättnyttnöm Ega have also built scrying instruments that allow them to keep watch over the surrounding regions.
One of the most interesting things about these giants is their impressive gardening skills. They are able to cultivate gardens on their mountain summits and even on top of solid clouds. The fruits and vegetables that they produce in these gardens are truly impressive in size - a testament to the giants' dedication and hard work. In times of food shortages among humanoids caused by environmental factors, the Rättnyttnöm Ega have been known to generously share their harvests.
Aside from their impressive gardening skills, the Rättnyttnöm Ega are also skilled musicians. The harp is their favored instrument, and they are truly masters at playing it. In addition to their musical abilities, they are also known for possessing high-quality and well-maintained possessions. However, unlike other giants, they do not carry treasures within shoulder sacks.

Foods & Cuisine

Not only do they enjoy hunting for wild game, such as elk, but they are also known for their incredible skill in gardening. Their gardens are filled with a diverse range of produce. Their love of food doesn't stop there. They take great care in preparing their meals, utilizing a variety of spices and sauces to create truly unique and flavorful dishes. And let's not forget their appreciation for wine - the Rättnyttnöm Ega have a real fondness for finely aged varieties.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Rättnyttnöm Ega are a fascinating group of giants with a penchant for high-stakes gambling. These types of wagers can cause family feuds that last for generations, and can even shift one's wealth and position in the Ordning. They often bet on events that are beyond their control, such as the military triumphs of humanoid nations. Individual giants have been known to bet their own rank in the Ordning, adding even more intensity to these already high-stakes games.
Cheating is heavily frowned upon among Rättnyttnöm Ega, and giants who cheat in these contests by interfering in the conflict are considered losers if discovered. However, they are skilled strategists and often fight with other creatures in well-organized units under a carefully developed plan of attack. They are known for favoring the use of greatclubs and morningstars that are appropriately sized for their use. Additionally, they often encircle an enemy and barrage them with rocks to distract from the spellcasters among them.
Interestingly, most Rättnyttnöm Ega keep one or more pets, including wyverns, griffons, giant eagles and owls, and other beasts of the sky. These pets are often used in combat, adding another layer of complexity to their already formidable fighting style.


Beauty Ideals

Rättnyttnöm Ega is a culture that places a great deal of importance on appearance. They believe that the way a person dresses and the jewelry they wear is a reflection of their social status and prestige. As a result, they highly value clothing and accessories that are both beautiful and extravagant.
In fact, Rättnyttnöm Ega's love of extravagance extends beyond clothing and jewelry. They also appreciate other forms of beauty, such as ornate architecture, intricate artwork, and elaborate furniture. To them, these things are not just functional, but also serve as a way to display their wealth and status to others.

Gender Ideals

In Rättnyttnöm Ega society, there are no strict gender roles or expectations. Both males and females are considered equal in all aspects of life, and both genders are valued for their unique skills and abilities. Knowledge and magic are highly valued in Rättnyttnöm Ega society, and both males and females are expected to be proficient in these areas.
In terms of courtship, it is the responsibility of the male to initiate courtship. However, females are free to reject advances that they do not wish to pursue. Once courtship has begun, both males and females are expected to contribute equally to the relationship, and both are responsible for nurturing the bond between them.

Courtship Ideals

Rättnyttnöm Ega courtship is a highly formalized process, with many rituals and traditions that must be followed. It is the responsibility of the male to initiate courtship, which he does by presenting the female with a gift. This gift is usually a piece of jewelry that has been crafted by the male himself, and is imbued with his magical powers. If the female accepts the gift, courtship may proceed.
Once courtship has begun, the two giants will spend a great deal of time together, exploring the world around them and sharing their experiences. This time is an opportunity for the couple to get to know each other on a deeper level, and to develop a strong emotional connection. During this period, it is not uncommon for the male to compose music or poetry in honor of the female, which he will perform for her at special occasions.
As courtship progresses, the male will present the female with additional gifts, each more extravagant and valuable than the last. These gifts are intended to demonstrate the male's commitment to the relationship, and his desire to provide for and protect his mate. If the female accepts these gifts, it is a sign that she is interested in pursuing a long-term relationship with the male.
Once the couple has spent enough time together, and the male has demonstrated his commitment through a series of gifts, he will ask the female to become his mate. If she accepts, the two will perform a formal ceremony in which they exchange vows and are bound together for life. This ceremony is attended by other members of the community, and is considered a great honor to be invited to.


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