
Divine Domains

Savrimos is known as the Breaker of Chains and embodies liberation, offering hope to those bound by literal or figurative chains. This influential entity's reach extends from personal to societal levels, advocating for freedom from any form of constraint, be it physical or psychological.

Savrimos even challenges the idea of geographic borders and societal boundaries, championing a world where individuals can move and exist without hindrance or restriction. This philosophy represents a world where freedom is not just a right, but a way of life, lived out in every breath and step of those who follow Savrimos' teachings.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Savrimos is symbolized by a unique holy emblem: a hand clutching a broken chain. This symbol powerfully represents liberation and the intrinsic freedom that Savrimos embodies. Many of Savrimos' followers respect this symbol by wearing a broken chain link over their shoulders, a tangible reminder of the deity's influence.

Artistic depictions of Savrimos, often found in iconography and illuminated texts, usually show people freeing birds. This imagery symbolizes the act of release, analogous to a caged bird gaining freedom and soaring. The theme of birds in flight frequently appears in Savrimos' worship places, reinforcing the deity's link to liberation and freedom.

Sanctuaries, shrines, or worship places dedicated to Savrimos are intentionally designed to be open to nature. These spaces have no barriers or obstructions, except for the necessary supports for the building. This architecture reflects Savrimos' principles of freedom and openness, inviting visitors to experience nature and the world beyond human-made structures.


The annual Festival of Freedom is a symbolic celebration of liberation. Participants engage in the ceremonial act of breaking chains, representing oppressive bonds that limit freedom. Additionally, the festival includes the tradition of releasing caged animals into the wild. This event serves as a strong reminder of the timeless, universal value of freedom.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Their divine mission goes beyond the simple idea of freedom, aiming to alleviate all forms of human suffering. Savrimos works to ensure that no one experiences the harsh reality of poverty, the excruciating pain of suffering, or the oppressive feeling of being controlled. This noble deity tirelessly intervenes in human affairs, constantly striving to protect personal freedom and autonomy.

Divine Classification


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