Set Poh (/set poh/)

Built on a slope, the shop leans to the side, the foundation seeming to have given way slightly. Because of its remoteness, the shop accepts payments in items that can't be found in Siakāsore regularly.
set /set/ adj. fresh
poh /poh/ n. flesh
Can hear liquid splashing a lot and a tangy smell and it looks like the shop only stays open because of travelers. Interior is crude with an almost warehouse feel. No counter, just meat hanging up on meat hooks. At noon when many choose to eat their mid-day meals the couple put on a show to advertise their shop.
A married couple run the shop together
One of them is scarred and obese wearing gaudy clothes, talks slowly with lots of breaks. Willing to be deceptive if it gets them more coin. Was a criminal who got out of prison and set up shop here. The shop is a second chance for them. Their crime had been murder, though they attest that they were innocent even to this day.
Their partner has a wide face and bulbous nose wearing flashy colorful clothing with plenty of accessories, they gesticulate wildly and frequently. Insecure and reluctant to take charge. Was the bounty hunter that brought them into prison but ended up marrying them and joining them in the shop business. The shop is a result of pressure from their family, who wanted them to settle down from the bounty hunter business. Instead of the adrenaline of hunting bounties, they chase their high with substances, and have developed somewhat of a problem because of it.
Kiosk / Small store


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