

Shizihmino, also referred to as the Heaven of Radiant Light, is the tip of the Light Sphere, serving as the final destination of the river Oceanus, and believed by some to be its source. At the highest pinnacle of Shizihmino stands the golden and radiant Palace of Seven Rays, where Ilos resides. The towering celestial mountains are infinite in shape and size reflecting the grandeur and boundless possibilities that await those who make the ascent. Shizihmino remains largely uncharted territory, with only fragmentary knowledge passed down through ancient legends. The few who have returned from their encounters here speak of its resplendent beauty and an aura of comfort that permeates the very fabric of the realm. The divine radiance is said to illuminate every corner, casting away shadows and dispelling any remnants of malevolence.

Localized Phenomena

It is said that any being who enters Shizihmino undergoes a profound transformation, and no journey there is undertaken lightly. Those who survive this purifying process emerge changed, aligning their very being with the virtuous principles upheld by the Light Sphere. For followers of Light, ascending the planes of the Light Sphere one by one is a spiritual journey of immense significance. Each layer represents a step closer to reaching Shizihmino and attaining the ultimate union with the essence of Light. This ascent is seen as a profound test of one's devotion, virtue, and adherence to the principles of the Sphere of Light. It is a path of purification and enlightenment that shapes and refines the souls of those who undertake it.

Alternative Name(s)
Land of Seven Peaks, Heaven of Radiant Light
Dimensional plane


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