Sitavaki (/sitaˈvaki/)


Sitavaki is a realm of unparalleled and awe-inspiring natural beauty, adorned with an array of vibrant colors that captivate the senses. It is a place where one can witness the splendor of majestic mountain lakes and the vastness of sprawling valleys that seem to extend endlessly into the horizon. These valleys are interconnected by a network of trails that wind through the magnificent passes in the surrounding mountains, creating a sense of adventure and discovery for those who embark on the journey.

Sitavaki also boasts a magnificent hostel that exudes a sense of grandeur. This extraordinary structure, meticulously constructed from colossal timber, serves as the sacred abode of Ibris, the deity of love and life. Nestled on a serene island, located in the heart of one of the majestic mountain lakes of Sitavaki, this awe-inspiring hostel radiates an aura of tranquility and spiritual harmony. It beckons and embraces all who are fortunate enough to stumble upon its enchanting shores, extending a warm and hospitable welcome to weary travelers and curious souls alike.

Localized Phenomena

But Sitavaki holds more than just captivating scenery; it is possessed of a profound power to revitalize and rejuvenate. Anyone who rests within its boundaries experience a remarkable phenomenon - their weariness is dissipated, and they emerged fully refreshed in half the time it would typically take.


The climate of Sitavaki remains consistently pleasant throughout the year, with the sun casting a perpetual golden glow reminiscent of the early morning hours. The temperature is warm and inviting, providing a sense of comfort to most visitors. Additionally, a gentle breeze delicately caresses the air, creating a refreshing and serene ambiance that further enhances the idyllic atmosphere of this place.

Fauna & Flora

Scattered throughout these magnificent valleys are charming and picturesque communities, consisting of quaint cottages and humble homesteads. These communities, with their rustic charm and simplicity, create a tranquil and idyllic atmosphere that captivates the senses. Inhabited by petitioners who eagerly await the day they can unite with their revered deity Ibris, these communities are filled with a palpable sense of anticipation and devotion. Every day these petitioners gather in communal inns, where warm hearths crackle and friendly faces exchange tales of their mortal lives. These shared memories and stories create a strong bond among the inhabitants, fostering a deep sense of community and belonging.

Alternative Name(s)
Land of Love, Heaven of Love's Light
Dimensional plane


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