Snow Queen



The Queen of The Court of Winter and the archfey in control of the plane when in winter season.

Social Aptitude

The Snow Queen exudes charisma, her presence alone enough to capture the attention of any room she enters. Her self-confidence is evident in every move she makes, each action radiating with her unshakeable belief in her own power. This unwavering confidence often manifests as an ego that knows no bounds, as she is unaccustomed to being questioned or defied.

She is an extrovert, thriving in the company of her subjects and courtiers. However, this is not to say that she is friendly or approachable. On the contrary, her interactions with others are marked by a cold, formal etiquette, another testament to her regal bearing. Her mannerisms, though elegant, are rigid and unyielding, much like the winter over which she reigns.

She speaks in a voice that echoes through her icy halls, a chilling, melodious tone that commands respect and obedience. Her laughter, rare as it is, rings out like the tinkling of icicles, both enchanting and intimidating. Despite her beauty and grace, there is a coldness to her that is as terrifying as it is fascinating.


The Snow Queen's tone of voice is often distant and cold, reflecting her icy demeanor. Her pitch is high, yet resonant, commanding attention whenever she speaks. She speaks with a clear, crisp accent, reminiscent of the frosty winds of winter. Her dialect is formal and elevated, suitable for a queen. She has no speech impediments, her words flowing smoothly like a frozen river.

Icy blue
Long, tightly braided, platinum blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Snow white


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