Strait of the Leviathan


The Strait of the Leviathan, a breathtaking expanse of pristine waters covering an impressive area of approximately 27,498 square miles, stretches a formidable 499 miles in length from its easternmost point to its westernmost edge. Its remarkable breadth extends up to 76 miles at its broadest point, delineating a clear boundary between the northern and southern latitudes. This majestic strait serves as the natural divider between two major landmasses: the foreboding northern continent of Wrodand and the exotic southern continent of Zistroya. The waters of this vast strait are a confluence of two mighty bodies of water. To the east, it merges with the revered Em Olae, also affectionately known as the Heart Ocean, and to the west, it commingles with the Sea of Scars.


The Strait of the Leviathan, as it is so elegantly named, carries with it a rich history and a sense of awe-inspiring grandeur. This name has been given due to the common widespread belief, passed down from generation to generation, that this monumental geographic feature was not simply formed by natural forces. Instead, it is believed to have been specifically carved out by the powerful hands of the gods and their mighty titans. This legendary act is said to have taken place during the fabled Time of Titans, a period of great upheaval and conflict. The titans, in their immense power and strength, are believed to have shaped the land during this tumultuous time, leaving behind what we now know as the Strait of the Leviathan.



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