Teibadaukau (/ˈtei̯badau̯kau̯/)


Teibadaukau's geography is diverse and challenging. The landscape is predominantly mountainous, with towering peaks rich in iron ore. These mountains cradle a labyrinth of canyons, which give way to stunted pines and dying poplars. Despite the monochromatic colors, the terrain's rugged beauty is undeniable, with vast expanses of gray stretching endlessly to the horizon, interrupted only by the towering iron fortresses atop the mountains' jagged peaks. The land is notably devoid of vibrant vegetation owing to its sickly nature.

The Styx river, descending from the mountains, serves as the region's main waterway. It courses through the Infernal City before flowing towards Bobramau, creating an intricate canal system within the city and offering a unique, albeit restricted, view of the cityscape. High walls line the canals, and their depths are unfathomable, adding an air of mystery to the city's design.

The realm does not have access to a sea or an ocean, contributing to its isolated and desolate feel. However, it is not without its natural beauty. The contrast between the gloomy atmosphere and the faint light emitted from the burning steel of the city and roads creates a strangely captivating sight. Furthermore, the mountains remain shrouded in darkness, save for the illuminated mines, creating an awe-inspiring silhouette against the ashen sky.

Localized Phenomena

One of the unique phenomena in Teibadaukau is the "Iron Lightning." Due to the high concentration of iron ore in the mountains, the area often experiences intense electrical storms. The lightning, when it strikes the iron-rich peaks, creates a spectacular display of bright, sparking tendrils that arc across the gloomy sky, illuminating the desolate landscape in an eerie, otherworldly glow.

Another distinctive occurrence is the "Screaming Wind." This chilling phenomenon is caused by the cold, harsh winds blowing through the narrow canyons, creating haunting, wailing sounds. The wind also carries with it a fine, iron-laden dust from the mountains, which tends to form swirling, gray sandstorms, further adding to the realm's grim atmosphere.

Teibadaukau also features unique geysers, referred to as "Blood Geysers." These are believed to be a supernatural phenomenon, where the ground periodically releases high-pressure jets of hot, iron-rich water. The water, upon coming into contact with the air, oxidizes rapidly, giving it a deep, blood-red color. These geysers are both a grim spectacle and a stark reminder of the realm's harsh reality.

Lastly, there are areas within Teibadaukau known as "Smoke Hollows," where natural gases escaping from underground pockets combine with the realm's smog to form dense, misty clouds that hug the ground. These clouds can obscure vision and make navigation tricky, but they also create an ethereal, dreamlike landscape when illuminated by the faint glow of the burning steel in the city.


The climate of Teibadaukau is as harsh and inhospitable as its terrain. It is perpetually cold and gloomy, with an overcast ashen sky that never gives way to sunshine. The temperature remains steadily low throughout the year, contributing to the realm's somber atmosphere. The realm does not experience any seasons or significant temperature fluctuations, maintaining its bleak and desolate state all year round.

Natural Resources

The most abundant resource is found in the bowels of the earth. The towering mountains are rich in iron ore, a vital resource that is mined and transported to the Infernal City for refinement into infernal iron. The realm's stone, too, is exploited for construction and other uses.

Alternative Name(s)
Place of Passivity
Dimensional plane


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