The Court of Summer


The fey of The Court of Summer perceive the world through a lens of vibrant energy and passionate emotion. They embrace every moment with an intensity that matches the brilliant sunlight of their season. They believe in living fully and freely, their actions guided by their emotions and their innate connection with the natural world.

Their core beliefs revolve around the sanctity of life, the wisdom of nature, and the importance of following one's passions. They hold a profound respect for all forms of life and believe that every creature has a role to play in the grand tapestry of existence. Their connection with nature is deeply ingrained in their customs and traditions. They celebrate the changing of the seasons with grand festivities, each one a colorful and lively event that mirrors their own exuberant personalities.

Customs in the Court of Summer often involve music, dance, and storytelling, reflecting their love for expression and creativity. They cherish stories of old, seeing them as a way to remember their past and understand their present. These tales often serve as moral guides, teaching them the importance of respect, honor, and courage.

In their interactions with the world around them, the summer fey follow a strict code of honor. They believe in fair play and despise deceit and treachery. They are quick to reward kindness and just as quick to punish those who show disrespect or malicious intent. Their sense of justice is swift and unwavering, reflecting their fiery nature.

Their reaction to threats or challenges is a testament to their assertive and fiery spirit. They do not shy away from conflict but confront it head-on, their wrathful transformation serving as a powerful deterrent to those who would dare disturb their peace.

Public Agenda

The Court of Summer's primary goal is to uphold the sanctity and prosperity of their domain. They are driven by a fervent desire to protect their realm and the creatures that inhabit it. This motivation fuels their assertiveness, audaciousness, and their intense reactions to perceived threats. When their tranquility is disturbed, they are motivated to restore balance and peace, even if it means transforming into wrathful warriors. Their actions are also guided by their deep-seated sense of justice and a desire to punish those who wrong them. Thus, every action they take, every wrath they display, and every battle they fight is ultimately for the preservation and protection of their summer court.

Court, Noble
Summer Fey


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