
Divine Domains

Thomtal, one of the fascinating deities of Chaos, holds a unique position as the representative of change and transformation. This representation is not limited to physical change, but extends to emotional and spiritual transformations as well. Thomtal is the embodiment of the belief that change, in all its varied forms, is an ongoing process that is fundamental to the very fabric of the universe itself.

Thomtal's teachings are rooted in the acceptance of changes that occur throughout one's lifetime. This includes minor adjustments to major shifts in life's trajectory. Followers are encouraged not just to passively accept change, but to actively seek out experiences that may alter their worldview, and the outcomes of such transformative experiences. It is the belief in growth through transformation that forms the crux of Thomtal worship.

Thomtal's influence is also believed to extend to the natural world and its creatures. It is widely accepted among believers that Thomtal is responsible for the existence of lycanthropes, changelings, oozes, and doppelgangers. These creatures, with their ability to change and adapt, are seen as physical representations of Thomtal's domain over transformation and change.

Thomtal is not just the symbol of change, but also the embodiment of its extreme. This is vividly demonstrated through the actions of their followers, many of whom engage in rituals that transform themselves into other forms. This transformative process is seen as a way of getting closer to Thomtal, of understanding and embodying the deity's essence more fully.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The holy symbol of Thomtal, which is a significant representation of their spiritual beliefs and doctrines, is prominently used by their clergy during sacred ceremonies. This symbol also adorns their altars, manifesting as a central figure in their places of worship. The symbol itself is designed as three arrows, unique with arrowheads positioned on both ends, intricately crossing each other, forming a distinct pattern that is synonymous with their faith.

Divine Classification


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