
Basic Information


Tortles stand upright as humans and have a protective shell that they are known for hiding inside in the case of extreme danger. Their fingers are more like claws, long and sharp.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tortles are born from a hard shell

Growth Rate & Stages

For the first few weeks a Tortle is on all fours, their parents use as much time as they have to educate the newborn Tortle to talk, walk, and as much of the world as possible before they pass.

Ecology and Habitats

A Tortle lives along the coast and in many regions.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Due to the pattern of reproducing within a year of dying of old age, the social structure of a Tortle community is built around keeping the shared memories of those who came before strong in each new generation. While inside their communities they tend to keep to themselves, but in order to increase the knowledge and understanding of the group, once a Tortle reaches maturity, it leaves the community to gather new memories to share when it comes time to return, reproduce, and then pass on.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A Tortle does not have sensory capacity beyond what is to be expected for a humanoid.
50 years
Average Height
5 to 6 ft
Average Weight
450 lbs


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