
Basic Information


Triton have four limbs, two legs and two arms, and they tend to grow fins on these extremities. They also trend towards having fins over their gills rather than ears, though they have noses for breathing air.

Genetics and Reproduction

Female triton produce egg sacs that float in the ocean, waiting for a triton male to lay his seed upon it. The gestation period for these fertilized eggs is three to four months.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes fifteen years before a hatched egg grows into a fully mature triton in the biological sense. They can live for nearly two centuries however, before old age takes them.

Ecology and Habitats

Triton find themselves at home in the deepest parts of the ocean and make great societies by the trenches of the tectonic plates.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Triton can seal their nostrils and rely solely on their gills when underwater. Not only this, but their bodies are adapted to the all of the negative effects of deep ocean, pressure, cold, and even darkness don't impede them when beneath the waves.

Civilization and Culture


The history common to all triton is that they were not always of this plane of existence. Originally they came from the Elemental Plane of Water, chasing monsters to Caanae they settled in the depths, watching for further monster incursions.
200 yrs.
Average Height
5 ft.


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