
Basic Information


The troll-kin are an intriguing species, generally characterized by their tall, slim, and muscular figures. They sport thick manes of hair which can vary in hues from a vivid blood red to the darkest shade of midnight black. One of their most striking features are their eyes, which glow in an array of mesmerizing colors such as yellow, gold, blue, orange, red, or even a silvery grey. These captivating eyes are set beneath elongated ears and above an impressive set of tusks which can range significantly in size, from barely visible to a foot long in length. The color of these formidable tusks can also vary between a pure ivory or a deep charcoal black. They have pointed noses, angular jaws, and shark-like teeth, albeit fewer in number, adding to their distinctive appearance. Possessing long arms, strong legs, and quick reflexes, combined with their exceptional agility and strength, they are naturally skilled hunters.
In terms of physical characteristics, most troll-kin appear to be large humanoids, donning a thick skin that can mutate in a multitude of ways, making each individual unique. Some may have talon-like fingers, triple jointed fingers, an unusual number of fingers, or uniquely colored eyes. Some troll-kin, due to a specific mutation, support limited plant growth; a thin layer of moss can grow on their skin shortly after birth. There are also troll-kin whose bodies are covered with a layer of short, soft fur, further diversifying their physical appearances.
One of the most awe-inspiring aspects of the troll-kin is their susceptibility to harm paired with an incredible ability to recover from severe physical injuries. They have the ability to heal at an incredibly fast rate, providing them with a significant advantage during battles. Their unique physiology allows them to regenerate lost limbs and organs, a feat unmatched by many other species. Myths and tales recount instances of troll-kin regenerating crushed throats and shattered jaws amidst combat, enabling them to continue fighting. Broken arms, snapped ribs, and other injuries heal quickly, often needing just a brief period of setting.
Surviving severe injuries such as being shot in the throat or eye with an arrow is not uncommon for a troll-kin. In instances where an arrow pierces a troll-kin completely, once the arrow is removed, the wound can regenerate in a matter of seconds. There have been accounts of troll-kin surviving fatal injuries like being stabbed through the neck and throat, injuries that would be fatal to other humanoids without the assistance of magic.
The most gruesome tales dating back to the Age of Myth tell of troll-kin drummers who allowed themselves to be skinned alive to use their skin for drums before entering a battle. Their incredible natural regeneration ability is credited with their survival of such an intense experience.
Interestingly enough, troll-kin possess the ability to control their regeneration. They can choose not to heal a scar as a keepsake of their past experiences. This control extends to maintaining piercings, tattoos, and other bodily modifications that would otherwise be healed by the body. However, acid and fire damage can hinder this extraordinary ability, and troll-kin typically avoid both. Their blood, known for its vibrant crimson color, is said to coagulate quickly and thickly, to the point where it can be held in one's hand without dripping.

Growth Rate & Stages

During the transformative phase of adolescence, those troll-kin who are not predestined for the solemn duties of priesthood or the intellectual rigors of scholarly pursuits are mandated to demonstrate their individual prowess and strength to the seasoned elders of the community, their youthful peers, and even the omniscient gods. This demonstration typically takes the form of a significant accomplishment, a remarkable feat that clearly exhibits their burgeoning strength and potential.
In the time leading up to this pivotal moment, these young troll-kin are referred to by affectionate, generic terms of endearment, their true identities yet to be publicly acknowledged and celebrated. Their individual worth and standing within the community remains unproven, their public names unearned and waiting on the cusp of recognition.
As they transition from the innocence of childhood to the responsibilities and expectations of adulthood, a series of tournaments and contests are organized. These competitive events not only mark the coming of age but also serve as a platform for the adolescents to showcase their might.
The preparation for these trials is no easy task; it involves years of rigorous training, pushing their physical and mental boundaries to the extreme. It also involves spiritual communication with the gods, seeking their blessings and guidance. Many troll-kin choose to inscribe potent symbols on their skin, a visual testament to their commitment and resolve.
A particularly noteworthy aspect of this rite of passage is the customary tradition of capturing or taming a wild creature. This act serves as a symbol of their growing power and control, their ability to master the unpredictable and wild aspects of nature.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Troll-kin have long been recognized for their remarkable regenerative abilities. It is these unique characteristics that have caught the attention of those in the alchemical field. The result of such interest is a series of alchemical concoctions, colloquially referred to as "troll-kin’s blood". These mixtures have been meticulously crafted with the explicit intent of inducing or mimicking the incredible regenerative abilities observed in troll-kin. Intriguingly, and perhaps contrary to what the name might imply, these mixtures are not derived from or contain any actual troll-kin blood. This fact is clearly evidenced by the list of ingredients used in their creation, none of which are derived from or related to troll-kin in any discernible way.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Troll-kin, both male and female, often have names with suffixes and/or prefixes, sometimes made up entirely of both. These names are unique to each individual, reflecting their personal characteristics and traits. It is a fascinating aspect of troll-kin culture that they do not typically use family names, distinguishing them from other societies. However, it is worth noting that there are a few exceptions to this trend.
Moreover, it is interesting to highlight that young troll-kin do not receive public names right away. Instead, they must first prove their worthiness through their actions and achievements. Once they have demonstrated their abilities and contributions to their community, they are bestowed with a distinctive name that encapsulates their achievements and qualities. Until that significant moment, these young troll-kin are affectionately referred to by generic nicknames, which serve as temporary placeholders until they earn their rightful public name.

Major Organizations

Practitioners of alchemy among the troll-kin belong to a highly organized and tightly-knit society known as the "Selawar". This exclusive guild has strict entry requirements, which include undergoing a unique ritual. During this ritual, aspiring members must consume a potion that is created without any explicit instructions. The purpose of this test is to assess their innate abilities and magical intuition. If they are able to successfully create a potent and effective magical potion on their own, they are deemed worthy of being initiated into the guild and entrusted with the closely guarded secrets of alchemy.
The troll-kin, renowned for their expertise in alchemy and herbalism, have a profound influence on the Wood Elves. After the Wood Elves separated from the High Elves, they had numerous encounters with the troll-kin, from whom they gained extensive knowledge of herbalism and the art of potion-making. The troll-kin's mastery of these disciplines greatly enriched the Wood Elves' understanding and practice of alchemy, allowing them to further develop their own unique approaches and techniques.

Gender Ideals

Troll-kin have demonstrated a remarkable level of equality when it comes to gender, particularly in relation to the roles assigned to each gender within their society. This inclusiveness is evident in the way they distribute responsibilities and opportunities without any discrimination based on gender. This approach fosters a sense of fairness and promotes a balanced and harmonious coexistence among all members of their community.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Many troll-kin have the remarkable ability to communicate fluently in multiple languages. They are known to speak Orcish and Common, in addition to their native dialect of Giant known as Valgothi. The origins of Valgothi and the influence of the troll-kin's tusks on its development have long been a subject of fascination and debate. While Valgothi is often described as guttural, it possesses a unique and pleasing rhythm that sets it apart. Interestingly, the dialect is believed to have been named after the Valgothi, the ancient troll-kin that is thought to have been the first to document and study it.

Common Dress Code

Troll-kin not only possess a wide array of distinct and eye-catching hairstyles, but they also have a penchant for expressing their cultural identity and personal pride through various forms of body art. Their hairstyles, particularly mohawks, have become increasingly popular and have caught the attention of many. However, it is not only their hairstyles that set them apart, but also their ritualistic scarring and piercings, which hold deep symbolic meaning and further enhance their unique cultural identity.
When it comes to warpaint, troll-kin have a tendency to gravitate towards shades of white and dark colors, as these hues symbolize their immense strength and valorous deeds. Moreover, their love for gold extends beyond mere admiration; it is a preference that manifests in their choice of jewelry. It is quite common to see troll-kin adorning themselves with accessories that incorporate gold, adding a touch of opulence and prestige to their appearance.
Interestingly, troll-kin have distinctive wedding customs as well. Instead of traditional wedding rings, some troll-kin opt for wedding nose-rings, which serve as a striking symbol of their commitment and dedication to one another. Additionally, during wedding ceremonies, troll-kin couples often exchange matching tusk rings, signifying their unity and bond. To further showcase their individuality and creativity, some troll-kin even use wax to shape and style their tusks, resulting in unique and captivating designs.
Footwear is another aspect that varies among troll-kin. While many prefer to go barefoot for comfort, there are those who choose to wear shoes or boots, especially during battles or wars, where protection and practicality are of utmost importance.
Tattoos hold great significance within the troll-kin community, as they are considered powerful expressions of loyalty and devotion to their gods. However, some individuals take their devotion even further by branding their flesh, displaying their fearlessness and resilience. These bold acts leave lasting scars, which are not only a symbol of pride but also evoke admiration among the troll-kin community thanks to the fact that only fire and acid can disrupt the natural regeneration of a troll-kin.
Clothing is not merely a means of covering oneself for the troll-kin; it holds great symbolic value. They firmly believe that their attire reflects their accomplishments and achievements, and they take immense pride in donning garments that exude authority and dominance. Traditional troll-kin attire often features leathers adorned with intricate golden embroidery, further accentuating their regal appearance.
In the realm of warfare, troll-kin display their ingenuity by utilizing chitin, sourced from large creatures, to craft their armor. This choice of material not only provides protection but also creates a distinct and almost insectoid aesthetic, instilling fear and awe in their enemies. It is a visual representation of their fierce and formidable nature, setting them apart on the battlefield.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

They possess exceptional expertise in magic and a deep connection with the gods. Within the troll-kin community, weakness is absolutely not tolerated. Strength, ferocity, stamina, and power are the essential qualities that determine their success. As a result of numerous invasions, the troll-kin have been forced to surrender a significant portion of their lands, which has made them fiercely protective of what still remains. They exhibit unwavering loyalty as guardians of their homes and may engage in confrontations with travelers in order to obtain vital resources such as weapons, materials, clothing, and food.
The troll-kin are deeply rooted in superstitions and find great joy in hunting and engaging in personal combat. Fearless on the battlefield, they rely on their innate healing abilities to sustain themselves. They are organized based on bloodlines, with the most influential members of each family leading the way. The honor of a family rises and falls with the actions of its members. While the eldest member of a family commands the utmost respect, they are expected to step aside if their actions prove to be dishonorable. Currently, the troll-kin are without a king; no troll-kin is considered worthy of that title unless they can unite all the troll-kin and reclaim their rightful lands, becoming the reincarnation of Dondorosk. Until then, those who claim the title are seen as lacking honor.
Priests and druids take on the roles of spiritual and legislative leaders, responsible for adjudicating legal matters and administrative duties. The regulations primarily focus on upholding the honor of individuals, families, the community, and the troll-kin as a whole. Punishments for violating troll-kin laws or bringing dishonor to one's kin vary from ritual scarring or dismemberment to banishment or even death. However, the loss of honor itself is often considered the most severe punishment, as the troll-kin place it above all else.
The foundation of the troll-kin community consists of diligent farmers, fishermen, and craftsmen, who form the lowest social class. Their hard work sustains the entire community. A typical troll-kin spends their days hunting in the wilderness, fishing along coastlines and rivers, or tending to the land. Elders guide them on what to harvest, when to plant, and how to conduct themselves. Disobeying the elders is viewed as a direct defiance of the gods and brings into question the honor of the individual.
Warriors hold a higher position within the social hierarchy, serving as the strong arm of the elders. The elders have authority over every aspect of troll-kin society, including even the smallest details. They are consulted before every battle or significant decision.
Orphaned children undergo tests to determine their divine connection. Those blessed by the gods receive full priesthood training and enjoy the accompanying honor and privileges. Those not blessed have an opportunity to prove themselves as future strong warriors. Those who fail both tests hold little value to the community and often end up joining other cities and cultures, leaving their fellow troll-kin behind. Nevertheless, the troll-kin community remains resilient and steadfast in their pursuit of honor, strength, and the restoration of their ancestral lands.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The rituals of the troll-kin are intricate, often stretching into the late hours with intense dancing and fervent chanting. They meticulously adorn themselves and fellow participants with symbolic sigils, and wear meticulously crafted costumes that are embroidered with fine threads. These rituals form a key part of their culture, with special ceremonies conducted for a multitude of events: the transition of seasons, the joyful occasion of a child's birth, or the ominous approach of a battle.
In their rituals, the troll-kin pay homage to Hrestor, their revered deity. They don masks as a tribute to her and lift their voices in prayer. Hrestor, in response, can either bestow a curse upon their regenerative abilities or bless them with enhanced strength and vitality, her decision largely swayed by her current disposition. The troll-kin firmly believe that Hrestor ushers the spirits of her worshippers into her divine realm.
The honorable among them are destined to fight valiantly for her in Valhalla, while the dishonored are condemned to join her in the dark, murky tar pits. Traditionally, the troll-kin would lay their dead to rest in burial mounds. However, this practice has evolved over time, and the dead are now presided over by eidolons inhabiting sacred statues. Their bodies are cremated and the ashes preserved in special urns, a method that has become widespread among the troll-kin when dealing with their deceased.
Not all are subjected to cremation, though. The most esteemed and venerated troll-kin are returned to Valgren, their remains entrusted to the Valgothi, who carefully mummify and inter them within their grand necropolis. The favored companions of these esteemed troll-kin are also mummified and laid to rest alongside them in the belief that they will accompany them through to Valhalla where they will all fight for the honor of Hrestor.
The troll-kin often engage in a night of solemn remembrance. Each month, when the moon is at its faintest, they celebrate the lives of those lost in the preceding moon cycle. The ceremony commences with a somber tone, the names of the departed sung in the mournful chorus of their dirges. However, as the night progresses, the sorrow gradually ebbs away, replaced by the thumping rhythm of the drum circle that swells with pride as they celebrate the safe passage of their loved ones to Hrestor’s side.
The Valgothi paladins, deeply devout and faithful to the gods, lead those who are lost, standing as a beacon of hope and vengeance for their people and for Hrestor. Troll-kin priests and druids, equipped with powerful magic and vast knowledge accumulated over fifteen millennia thanks to the diligent efforts of the Valgothi, maintain a strong connection to the gods. They trap and encase eidolons within sacred statues to safeguard their holy spaces. Since the time of Dondorosk, numerous kings have sought control over the Valgothi, and by extension, all troll-kin.
The Valgothi, revered among the troll-kin society, are central to their worldview. As the Valgothi proclaim, so do the troll-kin follow. The Valgothi have even been known to practice necromancy on their own dead, allowing their ancestors to aid the troll-kin during times of hardship. Although few in number, they are formidable fighters. Their warriors prefer to ambush their enemies, setting up traps in advance along their enemy's route.
Troll-kin warriors are fierce and wild, and they seldom retreat; once a troll-kin throws himself into melee, he remains in the fray until he's surrounded by the corpses of his enemies. Large stone slabs adorned with ceremonial markings, like prayers or stories, are often erected by troll-kin along their border. These border markers also serve as shrines where offerings are placed, and during times of war, even the skulls of their enemies are added.
The troll-kin belief system is complex, incorporating the Pantheon of the Spheres and the Pantheon of the All-Father and interweaving them in diverse and intricate ways. Troll-kin families often have their own familial patron gods, cities usually have their civic deities, and some gods are universally revered. Troll-kin both fear and revere Hrestor, aware that to incur her wrath is to be stripped of their regenerative abilities, but to receive her blessings promises a journey to her side, where they will engage in unending battles in Valhalla to prove their worth and seek revenge for Hrestor.
Every five years, since the parting of the Mists, representatives from all troll-kin communities converge on Valgren to exchange information and discuss matters of concern from across Caanae. During these meetings, the greatest champions from these communities challenge each other in combat. This is an age-old rite that has long been overseen by the Valgothi. They fight not just for personal glory, but to prove their strength and worth to Hrestor, with the ultimate prize being the opportunity to avenge her. To emerge victorious is considered one of the highest honors a troll-kin can achieve.
Troll-kin are noted for their ability to domesticate even the most formidable of beasts. It is customary for handlers to be the first to greet a creature when it breaks free from its shell. They train these creatures to carry their goods, transport their armies, and engage in their wars. Some troll-kin keep snakes of various sizes for pets or use them as food, while others train birds to mimic distress calls to lure unsuspecting travelers into traps. Nonetheless, they are most frequently found in the company of reptiles. Their steeds are often giant lizards or dinosaurs, they trade snakes as pets, and their warriors sometimes summon cobras.

Common Taboos

In the annals of history, troll-kin have been known to dabble in the forbidden art of blood magic, a practice that is now deemed illicit and shrouded in controversy. This ancient tradition, with its roots intertwined with the mystical druidic arts, has been passed down from generation to generation. However, due to the inherent dangers and dark nature of blood magic, it has been banned in modern times. Yet, there are still clandestine gatherings of stubborn blood magic aficionados that clandestinely carry on the tradition within the troll-kin community.
Among the various subgroups of troll-kin, the Mukannem are perhaps the most fearsome and the most reviled. These monstrous beings are the embodiment of nightmares for every young troll-kin, and their reputation is not without merit. Stories and cautionary tales of the Mukannem have been passed down through the generations, warning the young ones to behave and follow the rules, or else the Mukannem will send their grotesque blood magic practitioners to snatch them from their beds in the dead of the night. Those brave or foolhardy enough to dare venture into the ancestral territories of the Mukannem often disappear without a trace, adding to the growing list of the lost and the forgotten.
The Mukannem, despite their terrifying reputation, are nothing if not meticulous and devoted to their craft. They have spent countless years perfecting their techniques in blood magic. One notable legacy of their relentless pursuit of power is a unique totem. This artifact, when used with intense focus, drains not just the life force but also the very blood of their enemies. The absorbed power then infuses the caster, causing them to undergo strange and often horrifying transformations. This gave rise to the term "troll-kin of the blood," a term coined by the Valgothi.
The societal structure of the Mukannem is distinctly matriarchal, with the men expected to obey and serve the women lest they be selected for sacrifice. This society is not for the faint-hearted, as these troll-kin practice cannibalism, believing that consuming the flesh of their own kind boosts their power and vitality. It is particularly the women who partake in this gruesome ritual, preying on the men of their society and worshipping three formidable red hags.
Their mastery of blood magic is unparalleled, a result of their extensive tutelage under the powerful red hags. They are known for their potent poisons, carefully concocted to incapacitate rather than kill. They believe in keeping their captives alive, most likely to be used in their blood magic rituals.


Early in the troll-kin's history, they faced a formidable threat from giants and sought refuge in the mountain range of Zistroya, specifically around the central mountain known as Hagandr. In this period, the troll-kin established small camps on the slopes of Hagandr, marking the beginning of the pre-city era. During this time, the warrior class emerged as community leaders, providing protection and guidance to their fellow troll-kin.
As the cities grew and the power of the Valgothi expanded, the influence of the warrior class began to wane. However, their contributions and leadership are still highly regarded in troll-kin society to this day. The Valgothi, seeking to establish a religious center, claimed the uppermost plateaus of Hagandr. Initially, they erected simple shrines, but over time, these transformed into the magnificent and bustling holy city of Valgren.
Dondorosk, the visionary founder and first King of Hagandr, led his people from the swampy lands to build Valgren into a city of splendor and prosperity. Under his rule, the troll-kin were united into a self-governing empire, characterized by a caste system that evolved throughout the centuries.
While the majority of the Valgothi were dedicated scholars, deeply valuing knowledge and intellectual pursuits, a significant number among them harbored ambitions of conquest. Over time, these restless troll-kin departed from Valgren, establishing their own cities and empires. The scholarly Valgothi allowed them to leave, hoping that they would eventually realize the error of their ways and return to Valgren. However, this hope was in vain, as the departing troll-kin never returned.
As the years went by, the Valgothi transformed into a revered priestly caste, serving as the custodians of troll-kin history and advocating for societal progress. Though they no longer hold political authority over the troll-kin, their wisdom and contributions are highly respected by all. Many eras have passed since the Valgothi relinquished their rule, yet their legacy endures as a testament to the enduring spirit of the troll-kin civilization.

Common Myths and Legends

The troll-kin are widely accepted to have descended from trolls in the ancient era of myth and legend when the notorious deity Hrestor engaged in a violent clash with her own kin. The legends of this time whisper that trolls were born directly from Hrestor's spilled lifeblood, and subsequently, the troll-kin sprang forth from the blood of these trolls. This fascinating origin story has been passed down through the generations. However, this shared lineage has not fostered peace between the troll-kin and the goliaths. On the contrary, a long and tumultuous history of cultural tension and misunderstanding has bred a deep-seated mistrust between these two races. This mistrust has, all too often, erupted into open conflict and violence, with both sides dealing and receiving blows in equal measure.
The lore of the troll-kin provides a unique perspective, diverging significantly from the conventional narratives told among giants and goliaths. In the troll-kin version of events, Hrestor is not the malevolent instigator she is often portrayed to be. Rather, they argue, it was Agild who initiated the conflict, driven by a potent mix of envy towards Hrestor's mesmerizing beauty and unparalleled prowess. The troll-kin firmly maintain that Hrestor was unjustly punished for a conflict she did not start and uphold her honor as a symbol of their own worthiness and heritage.
The culture of the troll-kin is abundant with rich and vivid tales of those who have been blessed by Hrestor. These fortunate individuals, the stories say, have been graced with the remarkable ability to regenerate their entire bodies, akin to the mythical phoenix rising from its ashes. However, the troll-kin sagas also serve as warnings. Troll-kin children are taught cautionary tales of individuals who have been cursed by Hrestor. These unfortunate souls are unable to heal even the simplest of wounds, a stark reminder of the consequences of disrespecting their divine creator. By sharing these stories, the troll-kin instill a deep reverence for Hrestor within their young, ensuring that respect for their creator is a cornerstone of their culture.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Valgothi possess a limited number of warriors. These warriors primarily shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding their homes and its inhabitants. Given the scarcity of their warrior numbers, they often resort to utilizing agents from other communities for tasks that require a wider reach or additional manpower. Nevertheless, should a hostile intruder ever dare to step foot in Valgren, they would inevitably face the fierce resistance of the Valgothi's warriors - a formidable force to reckon with.
Over the course of time, the troll-kin frequently withdraw to their natural habitats. These habitats are often secluded and far removed from the hustle and bustle of society. They only seldom participate in surrounding conflicts, preferring to keep to themselves. Despite their general preference for isolation, it is not uncommon to find troll-kin adapting well to city life.
While most troll-kin prefer to reside in remote areas, away from the noise and chaos of urban locales, some find comfort in the city's rhythm. Urban troll-kin often find employment as mercenaries due to their physical strength and resilience. Occasionally, they even form part of city guard forces, aiding in the maintenance of law and order. Their physical prowess makes them attractive to thieves' guilds and other dubious groups for roles such as debt-collection and enforcement.
Additionally, troll-kin are not just limited to roles that demand brute strength. There have been instances where artisan and smith communities have taken on troll-kin as partners or apprentices. These opportunities provide troll-kin a chance to learn new skills and trades, further integrating them into the societal fabric.
Average Height
Average Weight
244 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Troll-kin typically exhibit skin tones of purple, black, gray, or white. Nonetheless, their coloration spectrum extends beyond these, encompassing shades of blue and tints of green, pink, orange, golden-yellow, among others.
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