Uibaec (/ˈui̯bae̯k/)


The Uibaec is a significant river in the Chaos Sphere, serving as a crucial transportation route for travelers seeking to explore the Chaos Sphere. It is formed by the confluence of two rivers, the river Oceanus and the river Styx.

The river Oceanus originates from a towering mountain atop one of the floating continents in the Flacau Hor. It cascades down several floating motes of earth, creating a breathtaking waterfall effect before reaching the volcanic plain below. The descent of the river Oceanus is a sight to behold, as it gracefully flows through the air, surrounded by the landscapes of the plane.

On the other hand, the river Styx flows through the icy caverns beneath the volcanic fields of the Flacau Hor. It carries with it the chilling essence of the underworld, flowing through the dark and mysterious tunnels hidden beneath the surface of the plane.

When the river Oceanus and the river Styx merge, they form the river Uibaec. This confluence marks the beginning of a new chapter for travelers, as they embark on a journey deeper into the Chaos Sphere. The river Uibaec serves as a gateway, connecting the Flacau Hor to the other planes within the Chaos Sphere.

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