
Basic Information


Verbeegs possess a humanoid form, but on a grand scale. They have elongated faces and gangly limbs, further emphasizing their height. They resemble humans to such a degree that they are frequently confused with being simply very tall humans.

Genetics and Reproduction

Verbeegs reproduce in a similar manner to humans, engaging in sexual reproduction. The gestation period for a verbeeg is around ten months. Child-rearing is considered a community effort among verbeegs, with both parents and other members of their settlement often participating in the upbringing of the young. This communal approach helps to quickly integrate the young verbeegs into their society and culture.

Growth Rate & Stages

Verbeegs mature at a slightly faster rate than humans, reaching adulthood by the age of 15. Their lifespan is comparable to that of humans, with most living up to 80 years. The life stages of a verbeeg closely resemble those of humans, with childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.

Ecology and Habitats

Verbeegs prefer to inhabit remote and desolate locations such as temperate mountains and tundras. Despite their rather unforgiving habitats, verbeegs have adapted well to these areas, often using the rough terrain to their advantage when hunting or during conflicts. They are known for their cunning ability to utilize their surroundings effectively, often setting up ambushes or traps for unsuspecting prey or enemies.

Verbeegs also form a symbiotic relationship with their habitats. They are known to house and protect mammalian beasts such as bears and wolves within their territories, which, in return, help to ward off other predators or intruders. Furthermore, they tend to keep domesticated animals, not only for food but also for trade, indicating that they engage in some form of rudimentary agriculture and economy. This hints at a somewhat complex relationship with their environment, balancing their predatory instincts with the need for sustainable living.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Verbeegs are omnivorous by nature, with their diet ranging from large game, edible plants, to domesticated animals. They employ their cunning and physical prowess in hunting, often utilizing the rough terrain to their advantage when stalking their prey.

Verbeegs do not shy away from storing food for later consumption. They are known to keep domesticated animals not only for immediate consumption but also for trade, suggesting a form of rudimentary agriculture. They protect these food sources by housing them within their territories that are often fortified and guarded.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their eyes are typically a solid black, and they have dark, coarse hair.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Verbeegs have darkvision, allowing them to see in darkness as if it were dim light.

80 yrs.
Average Height
8'5" - 9'8"
Average Weight
300 - 530 lbs.
Average Physique

Despite their size, they are known for their agility and dexterity, capable of moving quickly and gracefully.

Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Pale to dull yellow.


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