Widorsaly (/ˈʋidorsaly/)

Translates to “hateful” from the original Terran language into the Common tongue.

Widorsaly creatures have a unique origin story: they are formed on the Plane of Earth due to the peregrination of the Primordial of Earth. When the Primordial passes, fragments of rock and stone are left behind, and in rare cases, these fragments can transform into widorsaly creatures. These creatures are known for their misshapen forms, resembling grotesques commonly found adorning cathedrals and temples. They are a testament to the Primordial's hatred for everything the gods have created and everything that the created have built.
One of the unique characteristics of widorsaly creatures is their ability to remain motionless and appear as horrifying statues to observers, only revealing their true nature as dangerous creatures when they decide to strike. As elemental creatures, they do not need to eat, breathe, drink, or sleep, and can remain perfectly still for as long as necessary.
Fortunately, widorsaly creatures are not found on the Prime Material plane, except when summoned by spellcasters to serve as guardians and sentinels. These creatures can be bribed by the spellcasters, who promise to provide them with a violent release of the hatred that the Primordial fills them with. The spellcasters use them as guardians, and they can be found in various places, like castles and fortresses, where they protect the place or object that they are guarding.


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