Wood Elf

Naming Traditions

Family names

Wood Elf names are not just random words, but they hold deep meaning and significance. The first names of Wood Elves are carefully chosen, either derived from elven words or inspired by the names of legendary heroes who share a totemic or ancestral connection. These names reflect the rich cultural heritage of the Wood Elves and carry with them a sense of tradition and history.
Moreover, the surnames of Wood Elves play an important role in indicating their family lineage. These surnames are not just arbitrary labels, but they have roots that can be traced back thousands of years. They serve as a reminder of the long and storied history of the Wood Elf families, connecting them to their ancestors and the legacy they have inherited. Through their names, Wood Elves proudly express their deep connection to their heritage and the enduring traditions that define their society.


Major language groups and dialects

The Wood Elves have a unique dialect of Elvish that combines the Sylvan language with new elements. Living in close proximity to the fey, they have managed to maintain a strong connection to their roots in the Faewyld, unlike their eladric elf relatives. They firmly believe that words alone hold no value unless they are backed up by actions. In fact, even the Wood Elves themselves may not always be fully aware of their true intentions until the moment they take action. Moreover, to foster better relationships with others, most Wood Elves have also taken the initiative to learn the Common language.

Culture and cultural heritage

For thousands of years, the Wood Elves have maintained a deep and profound connection with nature, shaping their entire culture around this bond. In the present-day Wood Elf society, the utmost importance is placed on the preservation and maintenance of the delicate balance found in nature. Unlike some other elven societies, the Wood Elves firmly believe that displaying a sense of superiority and harboring xenophobic tendencies only serves to hinder progress and growth. Instead, they prioritize values such as compassion and humility, understanding that these virtues are far more valuable than any political or military might. They have learned from the past mistakes and the destructive nature of ancient elven empires, which have only reinforced their commitment to a more peaceful and harmonious way of life.
Living in close proximity to the natural world, Wood Elves prefer to reside in smaller settlements that allow them to act as guardians and protectors of the forests and all things natural and pure. These settlements are carefully designed to blend in with the surrounding environment, ensuring that they remain hidden from prying eyes. Within these communities, Wood Elves come together to form small groups known as Kindreds, where individuals unite based on shared tasks, professions, or interests. This sense of unity and collective purpose strengthens their resolve and enables them to face any challenges that may arise. Moreover, the Wood Elves firmly believe that their destiny is intertwined with that of other peoples, and therefore, they actively avoid isolating themselves from the rest of the world. While their settlements are intentionally secluded, interactions with non-elves are rare but always conducted in a friendly and cordial manner.
One of the key strengths of Wood Elves lies in their exceptional knowledge of woodcraft, wildlife, and forestry. They have honed their skills and expertise over countless generations, becoming masters of their craft. Furthermore, they are actively involved in various movements and organizations dedicated to the protection and restoration of the natural world. Their commitment to these causes not only showcases their deep love and respect for nature but also serves as a testament to their unwavering dedication to safeguarding the environment for future generations.

Shared customary codes and values

As elves, Wood Elves have a natural inclination towards resisting change. They exhibit a deliberate and measured temperament, taking their time to both become angry and calm down. However, it should be noted that their emotional experiences run deep. While they may not readily display their emotions, their mental acuity is sharp and their sense of humor is well-developed. Wood Elves are widely recognized for their serene and composed nature, known for their ability to maintain a level-headed demeanor. It is no easy task to incite strong emotions in Wood Elves, although it is worth mentioning that many of them harbor a notable aversion towards bustling metropolises and have grown disinterested in urbanization. In the eyes of Wood Elves, the trappings of civilization, even the most formidable fortresses or towering walls, are fleeting and destined to succumb to the unstoppable passage of time. This particular outlook can sometimes be perceived as condescending by certain individuals, as Wood Elves might occasionally come across as gruff, despite their proclaimed compassion and humility. Wood Elves, as a people, are generally soft-spoken and reserved. They are valued for their trustworthiness and loyalty as friends, but it is important to note that it takes time for them to develop trust in someone. However, once they do place their trust in an individual and hold them in high esteem, Wood Elves are willing to go above and beyond to demonstrate their respect and admiration. While they take great pride in their heritage, Wood Elves firmly believe that compassion outweighs callousness. As a result, their communities prioritize maintaining amicable relations with their neighbors rather than aggressively expanding their territorial boundaries. Wood Elves aspire to achieve a harmonious coexistence with the wider world, rather than seeking dominion over it. Compared to their elven counterparts, Wood Elves are generally more resilient and grounded. This particular mindset is reflected in their culture and traditions, as Wood Elves exhibit a stronger inclination towards engaging in physical activities and approach ancient elven history with a discerning and critical perspective.

Common Etiquette rules

"May the ancestors guide your journey" is a traditional and deeply meaningful Wood Elf blessing that has been passed down through generations. It is a heartfelt expression of well wishes and serves as a warm farewell and a wish for good luck to both familiar faces and unfamiliar travelers embarking on their own paths. This ancient blessing carries the wisdom and guidance of Wood Elf ancestors, symbolizing their presence and support even in the midst of unknown adventures. It is a reminder of the interconnectedness of all beings and the belief in the power of ancestral spirits to guide and protect us along our individual journeys.

Common Dress code

Wood Elves typically wear simple clothing in muted colors and earth tones that blend seamlessly with their natural surroundings. The choice of attire reflects their rugged and natural lifestyle, with a preference for leather or hide armor, even during peaceful times. However, it is important to note that Wood Elves do not limit themselves to practicality alone. They also express their unique cultural identity through the art of tattooing, which holds special significance within their traditions. These tattoos often possess mystical qualities, adding an element of wonder to the Wood Elves' already enchanting appearance.
Moreover, Wood Elves take great pride in their achievements, and this is reflected in the additional embellishments they receive for their tattoos. These extra adornments serve as symbols of their deep connection with nature and their remarkable accomplishments. Stylized claw marks, in particular, are a popular and striking design choice among Wood Elves. This attention to detail extends beyond tattoos, as Wood Elves also possess a talent for creating and wearing intricate beadwork, showcasing their craftsmanship and artistic sensibilities.

Art & Architecture

They strive to minimize their impact on the natural environment, which is reflected in their architecture. Wood Elven homes are often built using natural fieldstone carefully assembled without mortar or crafted with wood. Some Wood Elves even choose to live in the limbs of mighty trees or sheltered caves, rejecting furniture or possessions they cannot carry. Wood Elven villages seamlessly blend with their surroundings, remaining hidden from those who are unwelcome. Many trespassers have unknowingly passed by these communities and dwellings without ever realizing it.
For those who are welcomed, the air is filled with ghostly music, soft glowing light, and laughter that echoes through the trees like the wind. It is in these places that the Wood Elves gather to feast and celebrate the natural cycles of the forest, enjoying grand banquets of woodland game and indulging in free-flowing, intoxicating wines. The paths between the trees come alive with wild dancing, joyful laughter, and melodic music. The sounds of nature intertwine with the melodies created by the Wood Elves, creating a symphony that captivates the senses.
The Wood Elves possess exceptional skills in carpentry, stonework, and the crafting of bows, arrows, and leather armor. Their craftsmanship is renowned for its elegance and practicality. They have even developed specialized arrows, including long-range options and signal devices. These arrows help the Wood Elves navigate the dense forests and communicate with each other over long distances.
The Wood Elves firmly believe in their harmonious relationship with the natural world, and their art is a testament to this belief. Intricate carvings of animals, plants, and mythical creatures adorn their dwellings and tools. The Wood Elves take great pride in their ability to create beauty while maintaining a deep respect for the environment.
In the evenings, the Wood Elves gather around bonfires, sharing stories and songs that have been passed down through generations. Their oral traditions are rich with tales of heroic deeds, magical encounters, and the wisdom of the forest. These stories serve as a reminder of their connection to the land and the importance of preserving its wonders for future generations.

Foods & Cuisine

While Wood Elves prioritize minimizing their impact on the environment, they have no aversion to eating meat and are enthusiastic hunters. Wood Elves spend a significant amount of time hunting and enjoying themselves in the upper branches of their forest homes. The druids do not condemn the hunting habits of wolves or bears, so why should they condemn a Wood Elf? If those who hunt only take what they need and respect where their bounty comes from, there is no real contradiction in their beliefs. Moreover, the Wood Elves have a deep understanding of the forest ecosystem and strive to maintain its balance through their hunting practices.
In addition to their hunting skills, the Wood Elves have developed a rich culinary tradition. One of the most famous Wood Elf recipes is fermented vegetables prepared in buried pots. This unique cooking method enhances the flavors and preserves the nutritional value of the vegetables. Another traditional staple of the Wood Elves is pine nut bread, which is made with wild hive honey, pine nuts, and a mix of herbs. This bread not only provides sustenance but also carries the essence of the forest.
Bean soup is a popular dish among the Wood Elves, known for its hearty and comforting qualities. The Wood Elves have perfected the art of preparing this soup, using a variety of beans and aromatic herbs to create a flavorful and nutritious meal. The soup is often enjoyed with freshly baked bread, creating a wholesome and satisfying dining experience.
Even in ancient times, the Wood Elves showcased their creativity and craftsmanship by crafting wine distilled from ginger. This unique beverage was mixed and/or stored in amphorae, showcasing the Wood Elves' ingenuity and appreciation for the finer things in life.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

While Wood Elves have individuals who practice the arcane arts, their culture primarily values clerics and druids. In the past, there was a long period where arcane magic was strictly prohibited due to its association with the numerous atrocities committed by ancient elves. This ban on arcane magic, however, has been lifted, bringing about a significant change in the Wood Elves' magical practices. Now, High Elves have taken on the role of teaching Wood Elves the ways of arcanists once again. The reintegration of magic into Wood Elf society has been a gradual process, not without its challenges. Some Wood Elves still harbor reservations towards the High Elves, questioning whether they have truly acknowledged and atoned for their past actions. Nonetheless, there has been remarkable progress in this regard. Several Wood Elves have dedicated themselves to the study of arcane magic, becoming proficient wizards, skillful bards, and accomplished sorcerers. It is important to note, however, that despite this newfound interest in arcane magic, Wood Elves still maintain their deep connection with nature and prioritize living in harmony with it. They fully embrace the primal magic utilized by druids and the divine magic practiced by clerics, considering it to be the true essence of their magical heritage.
The Wood Elves deeply appreciate the beauty and interconnectedness of nature, recognizing the eternal cycle of life and death. They possess a unique spiritual perspective, which encompasses reverence for both the ancestral spirits of the elves and the spirits that dwell within nature itself. When it comes to the solemn matter of burials, the Wood Elves have a preference for a more natural approach. Prior to the viewing, the body is lovingly prepared using intricate druidic magic. Then, the entire community assembles, joining their voices in melodic songs as they accompany the body to a serene grove, where it will be tenderly laid to rest. This process allows the forest to gradually reclaim the physical form, fostering a sense of continuity with the natural world. It is important to note that the Wood Elf society places great emphasis on maintaining a delicate balance between the esteemed roles of the druids and the clergy, recognizing the vital contributions of both in upholding their way of life.
Wood Elves have a profound and innate connection with the diverse wildlife that surrounds them, whether they are formidable predators or gentle prey. This unique bond extends to their interactions with majestic giant owls, with whom they establish a symbiotic relationship based on mutual benefits. In exchange for the owls' unparalleled scouting abilities, the Wood Elves assume the role of protectors, ensuring the safety and well-being of their avian companions.
Furthermore, the Wild Elves have cultivated deep friendships with predatory animals, elevating these connections beyond the conventional master and pet dynamics. These creatures serve as steadfast guardians, offering unwavering loyalty and protection to their Wood Elf companions. It is through these extraordinary alliances that the Wood Elves harness the power and resilience of their natural allies.
The Wood Elves' affinity for nature is also evident in their choice of mounts. They skillfully ride upon the backs of swift and agile horses and majestic elk, forging a harmonious union between rider and steed. However, it is their extraordinary bond with colossal giant eagles that truly sets them apart. These awe-inspiring creatures, capable of soaring through the skies with unmatched grace, serve as both trusted companions and formidable allies in the heat of battle. Witnessing a Wood Elf atop a giant eagle, charging fearlessly into the fray, is a sight that inspires awe and admiration.
In every aspect of their lives, the Wood Elves maintain a deep reverence for the animal kingdom, referring to them as their "wild kin." This term encapsulates their belief in the interconnectedness of all living creatures and serves as a testament to their commitment to preserving the delicate balance of nature. It is this unwavering respect and rapport with the natural world that defines the essence of the Wood Elves and sets them apart as guardians and stewards of the wilderness.
Their warriors should not be underestimated either. When the need arises, every Wood Elf is ready to defend their forest home, as they are trained in the art of the longbow from an early age. The Wood Elves are formidable adversaries, thanks to their exceptional skill with a bow, incredible agility, and the ability to blend into the shadows. Wood elves excel in warfare, particularly in archery. Each battle they engage in, whether within their realm or beyond, serves the purpose of protecting their homes and maintaining the balance of nature that all living beings rely on.
These skilled marksmen utilize the concealing forests of Caanae to their advantage. Their lightning-quick ambushes are renowned, as few warriors can match their speed and cunning. Wood Elves feel at home in their forest homeland and effortlessly survive through their resourcefulness and adaptability in the wild. They are experts in concealment, capable of lying motionless and unnoticed for days before launching an ambush on unsuspecting prey.
Assisting the Wood Elves in battle are the druids, who bring powerful abilities and resources to support their cause. These wise and mystical beings harness the forces of nature, channeling them to aid the Wood Elves in their fight. With their deep connection to the natural world, the druids can summon animals to aid in battle, heal the wounded, and even manipulate the elements themselves.
Through their unity, Wood Elves and druids form a formidable force, protecting their forest home and ensuring the harmony of nature. Together, they stand as guardians, ready to defend against any threat that may come their way.

Coming of Age Rites

Wood Elves choose their tattoos after successfully completing a rite of passage. This significant ceremony differs from one Wood Elf community to another, but its main purpose remains consistent - to test and evaluate their abilities in survival, marksmanship, and empathy. During this rite, Wood Elves are faced with various challenges that put their skills and instincts to the test. They must demonstrate their resilience in navigating through treacherous terrains, their precision in hitting targets with their bows and arrows, and their capacity to understand and connect with the emotions of others. Only those who prove themselves worthy are granted the privilege of selecting their tattoos, which serve as a permanent symbol of their accomplishments and dedication to the Wood Elf way of life.


Beauty Ideals

For the typical Wood Elf, maintaining good physical health is seen as an important part of achieving personal harmony with the natural world and the universe. Many individuals, known for their deep connection with nature, devote countless hours to refining their physical capabilities. This involves not only sculpting their bodies to be aesthetically pleasing but also enhancing their combat prowess. By prioritizing their well-being and investing significant time and effort into physical training, Wood Elves aim to align themselves with the natural forces that surround them and tap into their innate potential. Through their dedicated practice, they seek to embody the grace and agility that characterize their people, allowing them to navigate the dense forests and engage in battle with finesse and precision.

Gender Ideals

Wood Elf society used to have a clear division based on gender. In ancient times, the majority of men were spellcasters, particularly druids. They would harness the power of nature and use it to cast spells and commune with the spirits. On the other hand, most women served as warriors, hunters, priestesses, or a combination of these roles. They would bravely protect their communities, using their skills in combat and their deep connection to the divine. These gender roles played a significant part in shaping the Wood Elves' culture for thousands of years, creating a unique and intricate tapestry of traditions and beliefs.
During this period, it was even prohibited for individuals to pursue roles that were considered outside their gender's traditional domain. This strict adherence to gender norms ensured that the Wood Elf society maintained its balance and harmony. However, as time went on, these restrictions started to be challenged. The winds of change began to blow, and the Wood Elf society entered a period of tremendous and turbulent societal change.
When these restrictions were finally lifted, it brought about a wave of new possibilities and opportunities for the Wood Elves. People were free to explore their passions and follow their dreams, regardless of their gender. This newfound freedom allowed individuals to break free from the shackles of tradition and forge their own paths in life.
However, despite the progress made, gender divisions still persist in certain aspects of Wood Elf society. While female Wood Elf druids have been fully embraced and are now an integral part of the magical community, other professions and roles still remain somewhat divided along gender lines. It is only recently that women have started to take on the path of the druids in larger numbers, showing their deep connection to nature and their ability to harness its power.
The overall gender divide has significantly diminished in favor of more practical considerations. Many professions, if not all, have moved away from the historical restrictions on membership. Men have started to choose either the path of the priesthood, where they dedicate their lives to serving the divine and guiding their communities, or the path of war, where they become skilled warriors and defenders of their people. While these choices are still relatively uncommon, they are slowly becoming more accepted and celebrated.
In addition to their roles and professions, Wood Elves also have distinct physical adornments that reflect their gender. Women often bear facial tattoos that frame their eyes, symbolizing their connection to the mystical and their deep personal meaning. These tattoos are a source of pride and identity for the women, showcasing their strength and wisdom. On the other hand, men commonly have tattoos on their chests, representing their bravery and their commitment to protect their loved ones and their homeland.
As Wood Elf society continues to evolve and adapt, the gender dynamics within their culture will undoubtedly continue to transform. The Wood Elves are a resilient and resourceful people, and they will navigate these changes with grace and resilience, always striving for harmony and unity.

Relationship Ideals

Wood Elven romantic and sexual relationships are known for their polyamorous nature, where individuals in the culture have the freedom to form or end connections with new partners based on their feelings and desires. This openness and fluidity in relationships allow for a dynamic and ever-evolving network of connections within the community. However, it is important to note that even in this environment, feelings of jealousy and possessiveness are not completely absent. They are acknowledged and taken seriously, as the unity and harmony of the community are highly valued. Any conflicts or tensions arising from such emotions are seen as potential obstacles to the overall goal of maintaining a cohesive and supportive community. Therefore, Wood Elves strive to address and resolve these conflicts in a manner that promotes understanding, empathy, and mutual respect among all individuals involved.
Encompassed species


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