
Divine Domains

Ydes, a formidable embodiment of the winter season, encapsulates all its deadliest aspects and chilling allure. This deity is a personification of the harshness and the silent, frosty beauty that winter brings. Preferring isolation, Ydes is known for their reclusive nature, seeking solitude in the icy confines of their domain. As such, they are highly selective, focusing their personal attention and divine interventions only on those creatures they consider worthy - those who can withstand the bitter cold and show resilience amidst adversity. Ydes' instincts are not just formidable, they are legendary. They are as sharp and cutting as the frigid winds that howl through Aubabau, their divine realm. Aubabau, a land as stark and beautiful as its master, mirrors the harsh yet captivating essence of Ydes, further enhancing their divine aura.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Their holy symbol, an intricate design of four icicles arranged carefully in a star-like pattern, stands as a captivating testament to their divine presence. Ydes, a deity known for their multifaceted representations, is renowned for presenting themselves in various distinct forms in iconography, each form as enthralling and fascinating as the next.

In the form of The Lone Caller, Ydes manifests as a lithe, androgynous elf. Their body is an exquisite sculpture crafted from glacial ice and freshly fallen snow, radiating a soft blue hue that illuminates their surroundings with a gentle, ethereal glow. Their long, white, free-flowing hair cascades down their form, lending an otherworldly quality to their appearance that is both awe-inspiring and mystical.

In contrast, as the Frost-biter, Ydes transforms into an impassive apparition that silently glides through the air, exuding an aura of chilling serenity. They are adorned with an ornate crown, a symbol of their divine authority, and wear a suit of hooked, spurred armor. This armor, made of opaque, light blue ice, is as beautiful as it is intimidating, reflecting their power and the harshness of the frosty realms they govern.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The known goals of Ydes are few and far between, much like the deity themselves. As a personification of winter, Ydes seeks to uphold the balance of the seasons and preserve the harsh, cold beauty that winter brings. They aim to guide and protect those who can withstand the bitter cold and show resilience in the face of adversity.

In secret, Ydes may have goals more complex and inscrutable. It is speculated that they might be working to increase their influence over the other seasons, bringing more of the world under their icy grasp. Or perhaps they are striving to forge stronger connections with their reclusive followers, fostering a community that mirrors their own resilience and solitude. But as with all things related to Ydes, these remain veiled in the frosty mystery of winter's heart.

Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles

The Cold One, The Lone Caller, and Frost-biter



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