Zlatkhoa Brelorxush (/ˈzlatxoa brʲelorxuʂ/ Draconic)
The Blessed Riders were established as an order of dragon riders, Zindraaldein granting them the power to bond with metallic dragons in order to fight as one against Ausdremwuld's chromatic dragons. It was a part of Zindraaldein's plan to give mortal-kind the power to fight for themselves and determine their own fate. These blessed riders took an oath for life to fight side by side with the dragon they bonded with, that sacred oath being now lost to time. No one has seen a true dragon rider since the Mythical Age, long before the Mists arrived.
When mortal-kind became fearful and envious of draconic power, not even metallic dragons were safe. Those Blessed Riders that still held to their oaths tried to save what they could of metallic dragonborn, dragon and kobold culture and material, hiding them away from curious eyes.
Tenets of Faith
I will not command
For all creatures deserve freedom
I will serve
As the bond serves us all
I will increase my wealth
Through righteous action and faithful friendship
I will know happiness
As there is harmony through knowledge and understanding
I will aid those who cannot aid themselves
In order that they achieve those destinies that lay before them
I am now and forever a Blessed Rider