Dwarf Species in Cabochon | World Anvil
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No longer forced into the dark valleys and caves of the Mawlands, dwarves have slowly become more common around Cabochon. Their homes in the cavernous hills of the northeast are lay barren and often required raiding gnomish countryside for basic survival. This encroachment has led to various skirmishes with the expanding gnomish claim of the area. Duegar, their most notorious capital named for their mispronunciation of the Duergar, is built into Mt. Duegar itself and is only accessible from the mouth-like entrances at its base. Dwarves are notoriously autocratic and tend to hoard riches and supplies in spite of their otherwise starving populations. The majority of dwarves seen in Cabochon are refugees of the Mawlands and tend to resent their adolescent servitude.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Mawlands, Mt. Duegar
Dwarf by WOTC
~325 years
Average Height
4' - 5'
Average Weight
~150 lbs.
Average Physique
Ponderous often barrel-chested with muscle and fat

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