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AI 1437

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The continent spanning Caderian Kingly-Empire stands as a bastion of civilisation against the unknown threats that lie across the waves. The great library of Magnothenia records that once, other great empires traded and warred with each other over the vast blue-green oceans to the east and the brown-black oceans of the west, but these have not been heard from in over a millennia. With some exceptions, that time is little but fodder for myths and stories around family hearths.   Their world is Caderia, and Caderia is, and always has been, the world.   From his throne in the bastion city of Imperia, the God King-Emperor of Caderia rules with a just but distant hand, maintaining order through the universal understanding that the great Imperial Army responds swiftly to any challenge. Seemingly endless numbers of functionaries send and receive messenger hawks and griffon riders day and night, checking on everything from expected crop yields in the wealthiest provinces to the number of murderers in the smallest province jails. Although indeed mighty, the army and governmental bureaucracy have not seen serious threat in recorded history, even amongst the memories of the long-lived elves.   Myriad races call Caderia home. Very few recall how they ended up in a human dominated realm and choose to live in settlements made up of their own people, but serve the kingly-empire in the same manner as humans. The Imperial Army is open to all races, and their unique abilities are often prized by the legions they are attached to. Racial tensions are uncommon, usually only with those races that retain a more bestial appearance.   The overarching presence of His Divine Church keeps the peace through doctrines of cooperation, tolerance and understanding. In spite of this, all religions are accepted, provided they do not threaten the kingdom or attempt to disturb the peace, and all beliefs must also acknowledge the primacy of His power on the earthly plane and his eventual ascension to godly status. Smaller, less acceptable religions cling on in the darker and more distant parts of the kingdom, spoken of in whispers and out of ear shot of the faithful, who cannot remember a time of strife or famine and thank Him each day for their fortune.   Though deified in His church, none but perhaps his closest advisers and nobles know if the current occupant of Caderia's granite throne is the same being who founded the nation, or is simply another in a long line of descendants. The visage staring out from the golden currency of the realm appears elderly and regal, but beyond that offers no insight for the ordinary citizen.

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