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Fistandia's Mansion

Fistandia's Mansion was created using a Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion spell and made permanent by Fistandia's own enchantments. It's luxurious, but not ostentatious. The structure is open, airy, and constructed of stone blocks. The floors are hardwood, and the bedroom, study, trophy room, and dining room have carpets that cover most of the floor space in those rooms. The mansion has brass or bronze fixtures and doors of ironbound oak. The furniture is all of deep brown wood, and most of the rooms are illuminated by oil lamps.   Outside, a swirling indigo miasma hovers 20 feet from the building on all sides.  



Foyer and Hallway

The ceiling arches to fifteen feet overhead, and long hallways stretch out on either side of the foyer.   Patio A semicircular patio paved with gray flagstones is nestled against the building, lit by the swirling indigo miasma that surrounds the mansion.   Library Tall shelves filled with books line the walls of this room. Two more shelves run through the middle of the room with a ten-foot-wide aisle between them. Several stacks of books are piled high throughout the room. There are small reading desks with cozy scarlet chairs in the corners.  

Exercise Room

This room contains a battered wooden mannequin and a weapon rack holding sataffs and daggers, all lit by indigo-tinted light streaming through a window. The floor is stained and scorched. At the far end of the room, a broom hovered in the air, sweeping the floor by itself!  


The entire far wall of this room is a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf. Even more books are resting on several large scarlet armchairs and small wooden tables, and there are several paintings on the walls. A fluffy black cat likes to be curled up on the chairs in this room.  


The Aromas of cooking permeate this kitchen. A large iron stove takes up one wall, and the rest of the room is filled with large tables and racks lined with hanging pots, pans, and cooking utensils. Everything is sparkling clean.   The kitchen is run by two homunculi named Cumin and Coriander who speak common.  


The shelves in this pantry are stocked with sacks of flour, vegetables, preserved meats, and other staples - all the dry goods needed to sustain a household.  

Dining Room

Large windows form the entirety of one wall, looking out on three planted beds filled with vegetation. Within this room, a crystal chandelier hangs above a table made of dark wood. Six matching wooden chairs with scarlet cushions surround the table. A seventh chair sits alone in the far corner.  


This end of the building is an arboretum with open, arched walls. Flowering shrubs and small trees grow between paved paths that meet in a semicircular patio. There’s no sun, but two glowing globes hang above the plants, bathing them in light. There are colorful blossoms everywhere, filling the air with their perfume. Two invisible orange faerie dragons play in this area, as noted by their faint memorable giggles.  


The landing at the top of the stairs is occupied by a suit of armor holding a longsword, point down. It sits upon a wooden stand in front of a large window. The armor is clearly decorative, though the helmet and the sword are genuine items of good quality.  


Most of this room is taken up by long wooden tables that are covered with glass vessels and books. Cabinets with glass doors line the walls, and they contain all manner of specimens. Just below the ceiling in the middle of the room, colorful globes circle each other in an intricate dance. The far wall is almost completely covered by a map of the night sky, with a golden sunburst in the center above a closed door.  


The door opens into a dark, open space offering a view of the starry firmament of the night sky. Five telescopes mounted on bronze plates point toward the constellations above. In the middle of the space, a one-foot-diameter sphere of clear crystal sits in a circular brass stand.  

The Chained Library

This room is bare except for a bookshelf covered in chains against one wall, a plain wooden bench, and a reading desk built into the shelves. A book with the bust of a mage on its cover sits on the desk.  

Trophy Room

Each corner of this pleasant parlor has a scarlet armchair and a reading table piled high with books. A cheery fire burns in the fireplace. A pair of swords sits in a rack above the fireplace, and the heads of various animals are mounted on the walls.  


This is an open and airy bedroom. A canopied bed with rich scarlet curtains occupies one corner. A jug and a washbasin stand on top of a chest of drawers, and a fluffy black cat likes to nap on a scarlet easy chair. One wall is covered with a large painting of a gold dragon perched heroically on a mountaintop.  


The door from the bedroom leads to a wrought iron balcony lined with slate flagstones. The greenery and colorful flowers of the arboretum are visible below.  

Alchemical Laboratory

The air here smells of astringent chemicals. Long wooden tables stretch across the room, laden with vials, beakers, and flasks holding various liquids and powders. Books are stacked between the glassware and chemicals. Yellowed paper charts and blackboards full of complex formulas cover the walls.  

Summoning Room

This dark, stone-walled room contains only a few objects. A five-foot-diameter circle of intricate runes covers the floor. There’s an empty wooden bookstand opposite the door and bronze braziers at the other three cardinal points of the circle. Whatever material they contained has long ago burned to cinders, but the room still smells of charcoal and sulfur. Sitting next to the bookstand is a warty toad.  

Preserved Menagerie

Smells of alcohol and brine permeate this room. Glass vessels large and small stand in rows on the floor and tables, ranging from one foot to six feet tall. Inside each vessel is the body of a creature floating in clear liquid. One four-foot-tall container is missing its lid and has no occupant.
Mansion / Villa
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