A gingwatzim is a peculiar form of life created by a spell or a ritual. The magic that brings it into being draws on spirit energy from the Ethereal Plane to give the gingwatzim its true form - that of a luminous sphere of ectoplasm roughly 3 feet in diameter. A newly formed gingwatzim appears as near to its creator as possible and follows its creator's commands without question, using telepathy to communicate.
A gingwatzim can assume two other forms that are determined by its creator at the time the gingwatzim comes into being. One is an exact duplicate of a Tiny nonmagical object that its creator is wearing or carrying. The gingwatzim's other form is that of a specific Tiny beast.
It is believed that Korvala of the Amberdune pack knows how to create them, as does her predecessor Nidala.
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