Breath of the Forgotten

The town of Willow Creek was a quaint, sleepy hamlet nestled in the heart of a dense, ancient forest. Its residents were known for their friendly demeanor and love of tradition. But a dark secret lurked beneath the town's serene facade, a secret that had been buried for centuries.

Construction of a new community center had unearthed an old, forgotten crypt. It was a peculiar structure, its stone walls etched with strange symbols and its entrance sealed by a heavy, iron door. Intrigued by the find, the townspeople decided to investigate. With a flourish, the door was pried open, revealing a dark, musty chamber.

As the door swung wide, a gust of cold, stale air rushed out, carrying with it a faint, pungent odor. The townspeople exchanged curious glances, but before they could investigate further, a strange fog began to seep from the crypt. It was an invisible force, a noxious gas that seemed to cling to the air.

One by one, the townspeople began to feel a tightness in their chests. Their breathing grew labored, and their eyes began to bulge. Panic set in as they realized they were choking on an invisible enemy. Some tried to escape, but the fog seemed to follow them, a relentless, suffocating presence.

As the days turned into nights, the town was gripped by terror. The once peaceful streets were now filled with the cries of the dying. The air was thick with the scent of decay and the sound of labored breathing. The townspeople were being haunted by the spirits of those long forgotten, their vengeful souls trapped within the crypt.

Amidst the chaos, a young woman named Anya emerged as a beacon of hope. She had witnessed the strange events unfold and was determined to find a way to save her town. After much research, she discovered that the ancient symbols on the crypt were a form of magical seal. If she could find a way to reactivate it, she might be able to trap the spirits back inside and save the town.

With the help of a few brave souls, Anya ventured into the crypt. The air was thick with the same noxious gas that had plagued the town. It was a dangerous mission, but Anya was determined. She managed to find the ancient symbols and, with a deep breath, began to chant the words she had learned.

As she chanted, the symbols began to glow. The fog that had filled the crypt began to dissipate, and the spirits of the forgotten were pulled back into the darkness. With a final surge of energy, the seal was complete. The crypt was sealed once more.

The breath of the forgotten had been silenced, but Willow Creek and Anya were never the same.
Anya remained a sentinel over Willow Creek and its new residents, passing the necessary
information to her granddaughter to ensure the crypt remained sealed.

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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