Gloombane Arrows Item in Caelum Prime | World Anvil

Gloombane Arrows

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The arrowhead is the most critical component. It is infused with a mixture of rare minerals and anti-dark energy essences, forming a potent blend that disrupts the dark magic of Gloombringers upon impact.   The shaft is made from a combination of enchanted wood and reinforced fibers, providing the necessary flexibility for accurate flight while ensuring the structural integrity required for penetration.   Fletchings are designed for stability, allowing the arrow to maintain a straight trajectory even when fired over longer distances.

Manufacturing process

The process begins with the creation of arrowheads through a combination of smelting enchanted alloys and infusing them with anti-dark energy essences.   Shaft construction involves shaping and treating enchanted wood with reinforced fibers to create a resilient yet flexible structure.   Fletchings are meticulously attached to the shaft, and the entire arrow undergoes enchantment rituals to enhance its effectiveness against Gloombringers.   Each step requires a skilled craftsman, and the final product is subjected to rigorous quality control to ensure that every Gloombane Arrow meets the high standards demanded by deacons in their battle against the forces of darkness.


The concept of Gloombane Arrows emerged during a dark period when Gloombringers began to threaten Human settlements. Deacons needed a ranged weapon that could effectively counter the dark magic of these creatures. The Gloombane Arrows were the answer to this pressing need.   Early prototypes were developed through trial and error, with deacons providing valuable feedback after each encounter with Gloombringers. Over time, the design was perfected, and Gloombane Arrows became an essential tool in the Deacon's arsenal.
Item type
Current Location
Owning Organization
30 g (per arrow)
22 inches (per arrow)
Raw materials & Components
Arrowhead: Enchanted alloy infused with rare minerals and anti-dark energy essences.   Shaft: Composite of enchanted wood and reinforced fibers.   Fletchings: Feather-like structures made from magically treated materials.
Crafting Gloombane Arrows involves precision tools for shaping the arrowhead, enchantment tools for infusing magical properties, and assembly tools for combining the components.   Master fletchers use specialized jigs and fixtures to ensure uniformity in arrow dimensions and fletching placement.

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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Jan 26, 2024 19:47 by Bob O'Brien

Special weapons used by special people against special enemies. I like it!

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