Grotesque Reflections

Evelyn was a woman obsessed with beauty. Her vanity was legendary, and she would go to great lengths to maintain her flawless appearance. She spent hours in front of the mirror, meticulously applying layers of makeup and perfecting her hairstyle. But even with all her efforts, she was never truly satisfied. She always felt like something was missing.

One day, while browsing an antique shop, Evelyn stumbled upon a peculiar mirror. It was a large, ornate piece with a tarnished silver frame. The shopkeeper claimed that the mirror had ancient origins and was said to show one's true self. Intrigued, Evelyn purchased the mirror, eager to see what it would reveal about her.

At first, the mirror seemed to confirm Evelyn's belief in her own beauty. Her reflection was as flawless as ever, perhaps even more radiant than she had ever seen it. But as the days turned into weeks, something strange began to happen. Her reflection started to change.

At first, it was subtle. A slight distortion here, a minor blemish there. But over time, the changes became more pronounced. Her features seemed to melt and morph, taking on a grotesque, almost monstrous appearance. Her eyes grew large and vacant, her skin became pale and sickly, and her hair turned a strange, unnatural shade of green.

Evelyn was horrified. She tried to ignore the changes, hoping they were just a trick of the light. But the reflection in the mirror continued to deteriorate, growing more and more hideous with each passing day.

Then, one night, something truly terrifying happened. The reflection in the mirror began to move. It twisted and writhed, its distorted features contorting into a grotesque grimace. The mirror seemed to vibrate with an evil energy as the reflection reached out towards Evelyn, its spectral fingers clawing at the glass.

Evelyn screamed and backed away, but the reflection continued its relentless pursuit. It seemed to be trying to pull her into the mirror, into its twisted world where her true self awaited. Fear gripped Evelyn as she realized the mirror was no longer just a reflection of her vanity. It was a portal to a dark and terrifying dimension.

Desperate to escape, Evelyn grabbed the nearest object but before she could smash the glass, her reflection pulled her in.

All that was found in Evelyn’s apartment was her belongings and a shattered mirror.

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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