The Aberration in the Mirror

Dr. Claire Carter was a renowned physicist, pushing the boundaries of quantum mechanics. Her latest project, a revolutionary mirror designed to potentially glimpse into parallel dimensions, had consumed her for years. The mirror, a complex device constructed from exotic materials, was powered by a highly unstable energy source.

Claire had spent countless hours staring into the mirror, hoping to catch a glimpse of something extraordinary. But so far, all she had seen were fleeting distortions, flickers of light that seemed to hint at other realities. Yet, something was different now. The distortions were becoming more frequent, more pronounced.

One day, while working in her lab, Claire noticed a subtle change in her reflection. Her hair seemed slightly longer, her eyes a different shade of blue. Intrigued, she stepped closer to the mirror. The aberration was more pronounced now. The face staring back at her was almost identical to hers, yet subtly different.

Claire began to document these aberrations, noting the changes in her appearance, the environment, and even the objects around her. The distortions were becoming more frequent, more persistent. And they were starting to cross over into the real world.

One evening, as Claire was preparing dinner, she noticed that the ingredients on her countertop were different from what she had purchased earlier. The vegetables were a different color, the spices had a strange aroma. She dismissed it as a mistake, but as the days went by, the aberrations became more and more noticeable.

Claire realized that one of these aberrations was trying to replace her. It was slowly altering reality, subtly changing the world around her to match its own. She was being erased, replaced by a distorted version of herself.

Fear gripped Claire as she raced back to her lab. She knew she had to stop the aberration before it was too late. She frantically worked on a device that would disrupt the mirror's energy source, hoping to sever the connection between the two realities.

Just as she was about to activate the device, the aberration appeared in the mirror. It was more solid now, almost tangible. It reached out a spectral hand, its fingers twitching as it tried to break through the glass.

Evelyn hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. Then, with a surge of determination, she activated the device. The mirror exploded, sending shards of glass flying in all directions. The aberration vanished, leaving behind a shimmering void.

Claire was safe but the experience had left her shaken. Shocking her family and colleagues, she left her job and retired to the countryside, never to be heard from again, except for whispered rumors of something not being right in the manor house she lived in.

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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