The Lair

The forest stretched endlessly around a group of five hikers. The trees pressed in closer the deeper they ventured. Cold air clung to the late autumn afternoon. An unsettling chill ran through them. Jason moved confidently ahead, his map in hand, while the others—Beth, Sarah, Mark, and Kyle—followed behind, their excitement tinged with a growing sense of unease.

"Are we sure about this?" Sarah asked, as she eyed the encroaching woods. "I mean, no one's even sure where this cave is."

Beth chimed in with a grin. "Come on, Sarah, scared of a little dark hole in the ground? They say it's just an old legend anyway."

The cave they were looking for wasn’t just any cave—it was the stuff of local folklore. Known only as ‘The Lair,’ it was rumored to be hidden deep in the forest, an ancient place that no one returned from. Some stories spoke of a beast, others of curses. Jason had heard these tales since he was a child and had always been fascinated by them.

by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe

"We're close," Jason said, glancing at his compass. "The old markers said it should be near the ridge ahead."

The group pushed on, climbing the uneven ground as the trees thinned out. Soon, they reached a small clearing where the mouth of a cave yawned open before them. It was dark and foreboding, a jagged wound in the earth.

"Well, there it is," Mark said, tugging at his ear. "Anyone else feel like maybe this isn’t such a great idea?"

Jason ignored him and stepped closer to the cave entrance. "Look at this!" He pointed to strange carvings etched into the rock around the cave’s mouth, worn but visible. The symbols were crude, spiraling patterns that twisted and writhed if one stared for too long.

"Okay, that's…weird," Kyle muttered, rubbing his arms. "What kind of symbols are those?"

"No idea," Jason said, fascinated. "But this means people have been here before. This is it, I’m sure of it... The Lair."

The wind whistled through the trees, and for a moment, the forest was eerily silent. Jason took out his flashlight and stepped toward the cave. "I’m going in."

Beth rolled her eyes but followed, and soon the others, less enthused, fell in behind them. One by one, they entered The Lair, the cold darkness swallowing them as they descended into the earth.

The cave was narrow at first, the air damp and heavy. Their footsteps echoed against the rough stone walls. Jason led the way, his flashlight cutting through the darkness, revealing more carvings on the walls, growing more intricate and disturbing the deeper they went. Strange shapes twisted together in the carvings—figures with elongated limbs and grotesque faces.

"Why would anyone carve this?" Sarah whispered, her voice trembling.

As they pushed further in, the tunnel opened into a wider chamber. The air felt different—thicker, suffocating. Something metallic hung in the air, like the scent of blood. Their flashlights passed over abandoned packs, rusted gear, and, to their growing horror, human bones. The chamber floor was also littered with shredded clothing.

"Jesus," Mark breathed, his face pale. "We need to get out of here."

Before Jason could respond, a low, rumbling growl echoed from deeper within the cave. It vibrated through the stone, setting their nerves alight.

"What the hell was that?" Kyle hissed, his flashlight shaking in his hand.

Another growl, closer this time, seemed to come from all directions. It was guttural, animalistic, but…wrong. Too deep. Too large.

"Everyone stay calm," Jason whispered, though his own heart was hammering in his chest. "We need to move, slowly. Back toward the entrance."

They turned, going back through the tunnel the same way they had come. But it was different this time—more narrow, more constricted. The cave itself was closing in on them. The oppressive darkness pressed against their lights, swallowing the beams.

The group froze as a scuffling sounded from the far end of the chamber, something moved in the shadows. It slithered at first, the sound of wet, dragging limbs growing louder.

A massive, deformed shape lumbered into view at the edge of their flashlights. It was hunched, its skin a sickly gray, stretched too thin over protruding bones. Its face was a grotesque distortion of human features—hollow eyes, sharp teeth dripping with black saliva. Horns curled out from its skull.

by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe

Sarah screamed.

"Run!" Jason shouted, but the creature was faster. It lunged at them with terrifying speed, swiping at Beth with long, twisted claws. She fell to the ground with a scream as blood sprayed across the cave floor.

The group scattered, panic taking hold. Kyle and Sarah bolted toward the narrow exit while Jason and Mark grabbed Beth, pulling her to her feet. The creature howled—a horrible, guttural roar that reverberated off the walls—and began to chase after them, its claws scraping along the stone.

Jason’s heart raced as they dragged Beth through the shrinking tunnel. He could hear the creature’s ragged breathing behind them, feel the hot stench of its breath on his neck. The tunnel twisted and turned, and with every step, the light from the entrance grew fainter.

"Faster!" Mark yelled, his voice cracking with fear.

Beth stumbled, but Jason pulled her forward. The narrow tunnel closed in around them, the cold air growing thick with the stench of decay. Behind them, the growls echoed louder… closer. The creature’s claws scraping relentlessly against the stone floor.

"It's gaining on us!" Sarah screamed, her voice trembling with panic.

Jason's heart pounded. Sweat dripped down his face, mixing with the dust and grime from the cave walls. There was no time to think, only to run through the tunnel endless.

Then Beth tripped. She hit the ground hard, gasping in pain. Jason stopped, turning back to help her, but a shadow fell over her.

"No! No, please!" Beth shrieked, her voice echoing through the narrow passage.

Jason lunged toward her, but the creature moved faster, its twisted form lunging from the darkness. The last thing Jason saw before he was yanked backward by Mark was Beth’s terrified face disappearing under a mass of claws and teeth. Her screams cut through the air, then fell silent, replaced by the sickening crunch of bone and tearing flesh.

Jason froze in horror, his breath catching in his throat.

“We have to keep moving!” Mark shouted, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him forward. The tunnel seemed to narrow further, the ceiling pressing down, suffocating them with the weight of the earth above.

Sarah was already ahead, sobbing as she stumbled toward what they prayed was the exit. The creature growled again, louder now, the sound reverberating through the walls. They could hear it feeding on Beth, its snarls mixed with the grotesque sounds of tearing flesh.

Jason couldn’t bear to look back. They sprinted ahead, lungs burning, legs aching. The tunnel seemed to twist and wind in impossible directions, each step taking them deeper instead of out. The light from the entrance, so close moments ago, had vanished.

“Where is it?!” Sarah cried, slowing as she glanced around frantically. “Where’s the exit?!”

Jason looked up, his heart sinking as the realization hit him: the cave was changing. The path they had taken was gone, swallowed by the shifting darkness. The walls, once solid stone, now pulse with life and breath, trapping them inside.

“We’re going in circles!” Mark yelled, his voice hoarse.

Sarah stopped, her breath coming in ragged gasps. “We’re not… we’re not getting out, are we?”

Before Jason could answer, the growl came again, closer. He spun around, raising the useless flashlight toward the dark tunnel behind them, his hands shaking. The beam flickered weakly, casting long shadows on the uneven walls. Out of the shadows, the creature emerged—its grotesque, elongated body crawling across the ground like a spider, its many legs skittering forward with impossible speed.

“Run!” Jason screamed, but Sarah had already collapsed to her knees, her body trembling with fear.

“I can’t… I can’t…” she sobbed, covering her face with her hands.

by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe

Mark grabbed her arm, trying to pull her up, but she screamed and yanked away, her mind shattered by terror. “Just leave me!” she shrieked, her voice breaking.

The creature lunged.

Mark let go of Sarah and ran, but Jason stood frozen in place as the creature’s long, clawed limbs wrapped around Sarah, pulling her into the darkness. Her screams filled the cave, sharp and piercing, before they were silenced in an instant, swallowed by the overwhelming darkness.

Jason’s heart pounded in his ears as he turned and ran after Mark, but his legs felt heavy. His breath was ragged, his vision blurred with panic. Ahead, Mark stumbled, his flashlight flickering.

The tunnel twisted again, the walls closing in, narrowing until it was nearly impossible to breath. The growl came again, followed by the slick sound of something large slithering through the tunnel behind them.

Mark turned to Jason, his face pale, eyes wide with terror. “It’s… it’s coming. It’s too late,” he whispered.

Suddenly, Mark’s flashlight blinked out, plunging them into total darkness.

“Mark!” Jason called, his voice cracking, but the response never came. There was only silence.

A cold hand brushed against Jason’s arm, and for a moment, he thought it was Mark—but the touch was wrong, too cold, too rigid. He jerked back, swinging his flashlight wildly, but the light only illuminated stone walls and shadows.

Then, the cold hand came again, this time gripping his shoulder with bone-crushing force.

Jason screamed, twisting in its grasp, but it was too strong. He felt something sharp pierce his skin, the warmth of blood trickling down his arm. His flashlight flickered again, and for a brief moment, he saw it—massive, twisted horns, glowing eyes, and a maw filled with jagged teeth.

The creature’s face was inches from his, its breath hot and fetid against his skin. Its eyes, empty and black, bore into his, and Jason knew, in that moment, there was no escape.

As the darkness closed in, the last sound Jason heard was the creature’s guttural growl, echoing through the twisting tunnels, followed by his own scream, cut short by the final, crushing bite.

In the quiet village above, the locals went about their lives, unaware that deep beneath the earth, the Lair had claimed new souls.
The entrance to the cave, hidden by years of neglect and shifting earth,
sealed itself once more, waiting for the next group of explorers to wander too far into its grasp.

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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