Korsk Geographic Location in Caen | World Anvil
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The beating heart of Khador, the capital city of Korsk is as stern and as grand as the ambitions of the nation that constructed it. The city’s center is dominated by the imperial Stasikov Palace, which was built from colossal black stones left behind by the Orgoth Scourge and shaped into Khador’s national symbol: a fortress with a mighty tower at each vertex, the anvil upon which the entire nation is shaped. A city within a city, the palace is home to thousands of scribes, bureaucrats, soldiers, and aristocrats who are constantly carrying out the empress’s orders and vying for her attention, and it is surrounded by dozens of estates belonging to both the Khadoran nobility and the wealthiest kayazy (The Kayazy).

Each of the great princes has a home here, although the princes themselves are seldom in attendance. Flags fly from seemingly every edifice, and the immaculate streets ring with the pomp and circumstance of frequent military parades. Next to the palace itself, the largest building in the city is the low, sprawling edifice of the Strikoya, the headquarters of the Greylords Covenant. Serving as both the research and development arm of the Khadoran military and the nation’s premier intelligence service, the arcanists of the Greylords Covenant are free to engage in secretive research into dangerous occult subjects that would result in their execution if they were practiced anywhere else.

Although the occult experiments of the Greylords Covenant have been somewhat curtailed—or driven even further underground—in the aftermath of the Claiming, the organization has found its police powers growing exponentially in a more paranoid empire, and its intelligence-gathering operations have expanded considerably in recent years. As such, the Strikoya is always bustling with the comings and goings of agents, operatives, scribes, and informants.

Prior to the Claiming, several Nyss shards took refuge in the Cathedral of Katrinska, located just outside the palace walls. Some chose to stay on after the Battle of  Henge Hold and live in the cheap and often crime-ridden Zerutsk quarter—on the shores of Great Zerutsk Lake—where the skies are blackened by constant smoke from the forges that produce Khador’s engines of war. Here these Nyss dwell alongside the city’s ogrun and Trollkin populations, as well as a self-contained Rhulfolk community known as the Korsk Enclave.
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