
Wakeholme is the largest city in the country of Choque, and indeed is one of the largest cities on the continent of Dramusoya. It also ranks in the top twenty most populous cities in the entire world. It is a bustling trade port, sometimes known as the 'Crossroads of Caeteria' due to it's position on multiple sea trade routes.


The people of Wakeholme are highly cosmopolitan, coming from many differing races and walks of life. Many sailors find themselves here after long voyages, and some choose to settle. While the ethnicity here is vastly diverse, the wealth is not divided as such. There exists a huge lower class in Wakeholme society, roughly 70% of the population, that own only an estimated 5% of the city's wealth. The rest is divided amongst a significant, if small, artisan class, and a small number of incredibly wealthy citizens.


The Grand Mayor runs the city in the name of the Crown, but is advised by the City Council, a group of twenty two 'upstanding citizens' supposedly from all walks of life within the city, with one representative coming from each of the city's districts.


Wakeholme has a large ring of walls that run between Mount Jartha in the North and Mount Keena in the West, as well as looping around the south of the city. In between Mount Jartha and the sea sits the imposing fortress of Castle Wakeholme. The Crownsguard operate a number of fortified compounds within the city itself, the largest of which is their primary compound in the north of the city. The walls have 5 heavily fortified gates; The Opal Gate, Sapphire Gate, Ruby Gate, Emerald Gate, and Jade Gate.

Industry & Trade

Wakeholme is a hub of trade. Sat at a crossroads of major trade routes, it houses many merchants guilds and trade consortiums. It does have some in house industry, with the coresteel district producing large amounts of goods from ores mined in the Radiant Hills to the city's Northwest.


Wakeholme has all the trappings of a large city of this era. Vast walls and defences, a sprawling sewer system, industrial enterprises of all stripes, but the jewel in it's crown is the docks. With the aid of the Legion Of Progress, Wakeholme has begun to mechanise it's docks. New stone quays are being built which house mechanical cargo cranes, complete with rails, that allow cargo to be quickly and easily run between the ships and warehouses.


Wakeholme has 22 distinct districts, which can be divided into the following types;   Upper Class Districts:
  • Clifftops
  • The Heights
Middle Class Districts:
  • Farmside
  • Lower Farmside
  • Dockside North
  • Cliff Corner
Lower Class Districts:
  • The Stretch
  • Graveshadow
  • Keena's Shadow
  • Shadowsun
  • Dockside South
  • The Squeeze
  • Nightshade
  • Breakwater
Industrial/Commercial/Religious Districts:
  • Dockside Central
  • Lower Markets
  • Coresteel
  • Northern Docks
  • Southern Docks
  • Upper Markets
  • Wakeholme Academy
  • Temple District

Guilds and Factions

While the City is ostensibly run by the Grand Mayor, everyone knows the true power lies in the hands of five large criminal syndicates; The Meroshi Syndicate, The Hayen Crime Family, The Goldcoats, The Steel Alliance, and The Wisps. These five groups hold incredible power, especially within the city itself, and the heads of all five sit on the City Council.


As befits a huge, cosmopolitan city, the architecture of Wakeholme is an incredible, sometimes jarring mix of influences. This incredibly apparent in the upper class districts, where the import of exotic materials has created some truly unique buildings.


Wakeholme is situated where cliffs meet the sea, forming two natural harbours. The city has spread out from this location to the west, where the two Mountains of Mount Keena and Mount Jartha offer protection. Springs running from both mountains form into small rivers that run to the coast, but most of these have been lost from the common view under urban sprawl.


  • Wakeholme
    The City Of Wakeholme
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Crossroads Of Caeteria
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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