Berkeley Settlement in Café Noir | World Anvil


A small town and parish in Gloucestershire, England.
famous for its Hairpin. The silversmiths there are creating inticate designs and excellent quality materials for all kind of Witches


The town is old and the there are not many young people in the town. The polulation consists of mostly craftsmen and women. The majority of the streets are long and narrow, both sides flanked by high buildings. The streets are clean and silent, you might run into a stray dog or a smug cat that looks at you with piercing eyes. Its a tranquile town and most people go on with their business.. The smell of warm bread fills the streets early in the morning and llater in the day it smells like frying meat.

in the center is a little park where sometimes some elders meet for a game of chess or just have a talk. The discussions always end up the same. Talks about the weather and whether or not it would be a good season.


The silversmiths are creating small silver objects like Hairpins, medals, earrings, honorary pins and the like. All based on old and ancient family recipes. Interesting detail: they dream the shapes, lines and materials overnight and draw them on paper. They are very adept in remembering the fine details and colors. When they cerate these specific items they always use their best silver as they know their customers: Witches, druids and wizards. They come from all over the world. Every year they have a contest to decide who is the best silversmith.


The town is small and


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