Dimension Frame

Time and dimension are just constructs | Einstein
The cave is dark and silent. Water drips from huge stalactites in little puddles on the cavern floor. Little skitters scurry away as suddenly three dimly lit bulbs of light appear. The bulbs are slowly hoovering, floating, and pulsating in the air several meters apart. A fourth one appears and forms a quadrilateral. The first three double in size, and the last one turns bright red. A sudden popping sound, a sudden displacement of air, a gust of cold wind, and suddenly several catlike creatures, silently standing in the middle look around. The three balls size down, and the catlike people move forward. Travelers have come to Earth. From a distance, the catlike look humanoid but taller, around two and a half meters long. A tail can bee is seen, and they are walking upright like humanoids. When we close in, we notice catlike faces, whiskers with colorful tiny stones attached. The cat people have dense fur coats, colors varying from shining deep black, bright yellow, fiery red or night blue to grey. There is also one white. The white one takes point and hisses and gnarls commanding the others, pointing to specific cave locations. The three lights swell three more times, and every time a few cat people enter the cave.

The dimension frame

Three focus lights and the red entanglement quantum node form a dimension frame. A total matter to energy converter and vice versa. The materialization process takes place during the conversion of energy into matter, using ancient unknown technology. The cat people, or Siphin, as they call themselves are using the technology, but do not fully understand it. They know how to use it, but understanding how it operates is beyond their capabilities. The device came complete with instructions on how to use it and how to power it. The main idea drives on the knowledge formed on a proposition that time and matter are interchangeable with energy. The entangled quantum theory is proven to happen in the red light point and is key to traversing from one point to another. The calculations are almost instantly and probably done in the big underground machine. Using it looks and feels like a point and click click-zoom-in interface.

The base is a large construction that is buried deep underground on the planet Venus.


the traveler can project a node anywhere and search for a suitable location (like in the cave) The node will transfer energy that gives a surrounding image of solid materials and a sample of the atmosphere. Then the computer keeps track of all the settings, (worlds orbit etc.). Then it projects the red node above the target. The target gets instantly transferred and converted to energy. The energy transfer is also instant to the new point and quantum mechanics convert the energy to solids. Making travelling instantly.

This article is long before the 1920 time era. it's just describing technology that is lost in time (as the siphin catrace get almost eradicated) and will be found by humanity.

The computer is probably built by Siphin before the catastrophe.
Access & Availability
The only known device is build on Venus.  There are probably more to be found in the universe.
Using the system is simple. use the screen to find a location, select the location, the computer calculates instant needed information.
Siphin cannot recall who discovered the device.


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