Seed Ghosts

Named as their bodies are almost entirely transcluscent, the Seed Ghosts are a pest that feed off of the sweet flesh of the apples. Roughly the size of a quarter, the Seed Ghosts have both pinchers on their face and a stinger with which to irritate their prey. Though they aren’t deadly, their bite/sting will leave quite a welt that can last for up to a week. The Seed Ghosts get their name as they can often burrow into the core of an apple and stay there. Eating the seeds first, if/when they do attack someone who has mistakenly grabbed the apple in which they reside, residences at one point chalked this up to some sort of retaliation on the part of the apple tree and, noticing the missing seeds, labeled the strange phenomena (and later the creatures themselves) Seed Ghosts.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Uncommonly found
Geographic Distribution