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Kesmodons, or Lekira, are a group of large feathered predatory animals adapted for running down their prey. They evolved as social animals, and using sound and body signals, cooperate in their hunts to bring down prey much larger than themselves. They are also extremely intelligent and curious, learning hunting habits from unrelated species in how to ambush hunt and communicate in different ways. Because of their qualities, the Regalti domesticated Kesmodons tens of thousands of years ago, forging a bond between species, between master and companion, that is universal regardless of where in the galaxy you are.


The scientific classification for all Collena lifeforms uses the similar Earth-based classification all the way to the family or genera level for quick familiarization. Kesmodons are mammals and carnivores. They are considered part of the canidae family due to their very wolf-like qualities due to their similar builds, hunting habits, and social structure.

"Kesmodon" is from the Tevari language. 'Keso' means Feather, and the closest english translation of 'Modon' is dog. Put together, Kesmodon or Feather Dog. "Lekira" is from Vevari, and the closest english translaton would be "Black Feather". Generally Kesmodon is the preferred term for a specific species, the 'Greater Kesmodon' and domesticated varieties, while most other varieties are referred to as 'Lekira'.


Kesmodons split off from other Chirodans around a million years ago. Where some like Leodons became smaller and retained their retractable claws, Kesmodons grew larger and became more social animals. In the period they evolved, there were a large number of megafauna running around Collena, and the best chances for success was for Kesmodons to gang up on larger herbivores.

Kesmodons evolved a much higher intelligence level than other carnivores, and through hunting with their social groups, they learned from their mistakes, even learning the hunting habits of unrelated species like the Scaled Keretse or the Garenth Dragons. They taught these techniques to their young and refined their skills over hundreds of generations, to the point they are better ambush predators than Keretse, and while they don't fly, they learned the value in diving for prey from the high ground.

Such is their intelligence that Kesmodons are the fourth most intelligent animal on the Planet Collena. Bataiva and Sea Crawlers are both marginally more intelligent. Then there's the sapient species of Collena, the Regalti. Regalti domesticated Kesmodons roughly 30 thousand years ago, or perhaps they domesticated each other.

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Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae (Chirodan)
Genus: Lekira
Common Name(s):
Kesmodon (Common)
Lekira (Vevari)

Geographic distribution

Global Distribution:
Distribution across the continent of Kenerif:
███ : Plains Lekira
███ : Greater Kesmodon
███ : Tundra Lekira
███ : Highlands Lekira
███ : Ancestor Lekira
███ : Northwestern Lekira
███ : Wetlands Lekira
((Unused colors are Leodons, a related but different group of animals))


Kesmodon body shapes are rather like Wolves or Hyenas on Earth, and are an example of convergent evolution between the two worlds. They have a broad snout with large pointed ears and a blount muzzle. Their jaws have several specialized teeth including canines as well as powerful molars that can crush bone. Their body frames look thin but are powerful built. They have 3 long fluffy tails for balance when running (The actual tail, as well as two dorsal tails on the upper back, a feature common among most tetrapods on Collena).

Their bodies have a rather large ribcage area, holding powerful lungs. This combined with other adaptations, including their large, four digit paws, gives them the ability to run easily, and for hours at a time.

Kesmodon Base.png
Like many mamals and birds on Collena, Kesmodons have two coats of feathers. There is a soft, fluffy inner coat of down feathers, and a tougher outer coat of vaned feathers. Feathers are longer and stiffer in locations where the animal is more often bitten by competitors. These locations include the neck, back, sides of the face, and the tails. Their coats are rather well adapted for cold winter conditions, but are able to perfectly survive in hot environments as well. Kesmodons have thinner coats in warmer environments.


There are over a dozen varieties of Lekira. The three we will be focusing on the most are found in the nation of Vefaria, Greater Kesmodons, Ancestor Lekira, and Tundra Lekira.

Greater Kesmodons are by far the largest. they weigh up to 100kg. Their fur color is generally a solid dark brown to black though domesticated varieties come in every possible color. When speaking of Kesmodon intelligence, it is normally in reference to Greater Kesmodons.

Ancestor Lekira are native to the Crystal Highsands in the Northwest of Vefaria. Their bodies are much closer to the ground. They have a longer face and tails and their fur color blends in well with the surrounding sandy environment.

Tundra Lekira are native to the northern plains of the continent of Kenerif, though they are found as far south as Lekagar, the Black River. They are smaller than other varieties that have shorter faces and tails with gray to white fur. Their paws are larger in proportion to their bodies, allowing them to run on snow, ice, and mud more easily.
Size comparison between various species of Kesmodon.



Kesmodons are distributed across the world and are able to survive in almost any climate at most altitudes. Like many large predators, they were nearly hunted to extinction early in the Regalti's development as a civilization. About a century before the Exodus, Kesmodons were reduced to 1% of their original habitat. Since the Exodus ended, and with the Regalti running breeding and reintroduction programs they regained most of that.

Hunting and Diet

While Kesmodons are primarily carnivores that hunt down large prey such as Ikandis, Hysovi, Ryesons, and more, they will eat anything to survive. Their well developed sense of smell attracts them to all sorts of foods, whether its sap from Veil Trees, brambles such as Jonune or Voidberries, or edible Hanging Jellies.

While Lone Lekira exist across all species, Kesmodons are primarily pack hunters. They are extremely intelligent, and their tactics change depending on the type of animal they are going after. Their primary hunting method involves running down prey, but they have been known to stalk from tall grass, ambush prey from above, even steal nets from Bataiva and use them to catch fish from the rivers.

Interactions with other Predators

Kesmodons learned a great deal from other predators, integrating the tactics of rival predators into their own arsenal. Kesmodons spend a great deal of time observing their surroundings tracking the location of other predators. They will run generally away when other predators get too close to avoid confrontation.

Keretse Lions will actively seek out Kesmodons because it is rather easy to steal their kills. Kesmodons usually compensate for this by simply forming larger groups, especially in times of drought. They even form groups with related species of Lekira and Leodons, forming groups of 40 or more. Even when otnumbered 4 to 1, Keretse will still beat back a pack of Kesmodons.

If a particular pride of lions gets a little too troublesome, Kesmodons have been known to take revenge, and usually this involves messing with the lions' cubs in some way. They will ambush one of the younger lions which will alert the entire pride to the fight. The Kesmodon that jumped on the lion needs to escape quickly or be killed. While this is going on, other Kesmodons will seek out the lion cubs, and kill them. Some Kesmodons will kidnap the cubs and hide them at the edges of the pride's territory, often on the other side of rivers, forcing the Keretse to spend time looking for their young.

Relationship with Regalti

Greater Kesmodons were domesticated by the Regalti many thousands of years ago, and it is thought that this arrangement happened when the two started living closer together, to the point that Kesmodons were willing to form an inter-species pack like they do with rival species of Lekira and Leodons. It is speculated that their hunting habits around Jinani and Veil trees played a part in this.

Regalti would often take the more violent ones with them on hunts, while leaving the more tame ones with the villages for guarding. As the violent ones started dying off (either by Regalti killing them or them dying during the hunt), the tame ones were mostly what was left. Eventually Kesmodons became more docile and easier for Regalti to train.

Selective breeding didn't happen for thousands of years after this, but today, there are hundreds of specialized breeds of Kesmodon, many are still working animals, but many more are nothing more than docile house pets.

In Culture

Kesmodons were seen as messengers of the gods in ancient times. Their primary function was to guide the souls of the lost during times when the lights of Vala and Sevi aren't shining on the world (during Solar and Lunar Eclipses and New Moon phases).

Ancient Regalti noted that Kesmodons were fearless in the dark and thought the creatures as immune to things from the void. Because of this, Regalti rarely traveled at night without a Kesmodon by their side. In modern times, they are still popular pets all over the world.

Cover image: by Chrispy_0/ Artbreeder


Author's Notes

Calling this World Ember article re-done before the brain goblins take me...I do want to add a quote or two or maybe something else, since my human characters do interact with Kesmodons in the story I'm working on.

  Also, This is the first article that has a new style of Table of Contents on the left side of the page. I made it on my other World after seeing something similar on other worlds. after figuring it out, I liked it so much I decided to port it over here. Due to color schemes, it works with minimal changes to the CSS. I already did the same thing to my article block css.

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Jan 19, 2023 16:35

What I particularly like about your article is the overview maps of the distribution or spread on Cairn and the proportions in comparison to humans. I find it very interesting how intelligent these animals are, which would make them far superior to some humans. But I would still like to know how they reproduce and raise their young?

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jan 21, 2023 21:13

Thanks for reading and leaving this feedback! I rewrote this article several times and it didn't occur to me to write about how their packs functions, and write about their lifecycle. It's on the list now, so thanks!