The Cairn Sector

Article Contents

About Cairn Sector

The The Galactic Council defines a sector as an area of space surrounding a point of interest, usually a large nebula or star cluster. In the case of the Cairn Sector, that would be the Firion Molecular Cloud. The Sector expands roughly 700 light-years out from the center of Firion in every direction, and like all Galactic Sectors, its borders overlap with around a dozen others for several light-years. The center of Firion is the Cairn Nebula, which is currently producing hundreds of thousands of new stars.

The Cairn Sector is home to eight known sapient species, four of them having access to space travel, with an additional dozen known from the past that are long extinct. The most powerful species are easily the Vusinor, who have settled hundreds of star systems in the sector and have an influence that reaches thousands of light-years in all directions. Lesser but still notable races include the Maorians and the Regalti.

Bordering the Cairn Sector are around a dozen other Galactic Sectors of various sizes. In one direction is the Feihia (Pleiades) Sector, a relatively peaceful sector filled with life, and in another is the Arogmoth Sector, a mostly dead sector destroyed by an ancient civilization unable to control their nanomachines. In another direction is the Kenon Sector, which is strangely absent of all life.
Names in other languages
Firion (Vusinor)
Actonqua (Maorian)
Zefalna (Regalti, Common)
Sepalla (Regalti, Fevarik)
Orion (Human)

1400 Lightyears across

Number of systems
18 Million total stars
  • 12.5 Million Red/Brown Dwarves
  • 3.5 Million Main Sequence Stars
  • 1.5 Million White Dwarves
  • 250,000 Giant Stars
  • 225,000 Neutron Stars
  • 25,000 Black Holes

  • Major Civilizations

    (You can also consult the Galactic Compendium of Sapient Species for more information)


    Homeworld: Kunwold in the Venjint System
    Average Lifespan: 400 EYears
    Total Population: 90 Trillion
    Kardashev Scale: 1.5
    Owned System: 840 (Cairn Sector), 1200 (Total)
    The Vusinor are the most powerful civilization in the Sector, and for hundreds of surrounding Sectors. In terms of technological advancement, they are one of the top civilizations in the galaxy. In terms of size, they are nowhere close to the top, even with a population of 90 Trillion. They have settled almost every rocky body they could find in a dozen systems surrounding their home system, and have outposts in over a thousand others spread across the Cairn Sector, the nearby Feihia Sector, and the further away Rofiun Sector. They have six Dyson Swarms currently under construction.

    Their entire civilization is technically a single empire rulled by the Immortal Empress, with dozens of semi-independent 'organizations' that act as full governments. An example of one of these is the Research Corps, or VRC. This organization started out tens of thousands of years ago as a research based organization but over time gained its own military and ownership of multiple systems.


    Homeworld: Vanuitia in the Aquron System
    Average Lifespans: 6400 EYears
    Total Population: 55 Billion
    Kardashev Scale: 1.15
    Owned System: 8 (Total)
    The Maorian are a long lived civilization with a slow growing population. They continuously and slowly grow throughout their lives. An adult at 40 years old will be 1.5m tall and weigh 75 kilograms, but at the end of their long life, will be 4m tall and weigh 6000+ kilograms. Some examples of Maorian have been recorded as reaching 8m tall and weighing more than 10,000 kilograms. They are so long lived that adults that were barely 50 years old were on the first "generation" ships to settle a nearby star system, and were still quite fit and healthy at 2900 years old when the ship finally reached its destination 12 light-years away.

    The Maorian Civilization has developed some of the most powerful, devastating weaponry known to the Galaxy. One example is the Volcano Seed, which drills into a planet and then almost immediately causes a VEI-8 super eruption, and hundreds can be launched into a world at a time. It's probably a good thing the the Maorians have never had a unified government and instead have 8 fiercely independent factions that are in a constant uneasy peace with each other. If the civilization was ever united, even with their small numbers, would easily be one of the more powerful civilizations in the galaxy.

    Homeworlds: Planet Collena , Sephar
    Home System: The Delvi Star System
    Average Lifespan: 85 EYears (150 in space)
    Total Population: 114 Billion
    Kardashev Scale: 1.05
    Owned System: 1 (Total)
    The Regalti prefer to live in space instead of on their homeworlds. This isn't because their homeworlds are dangerous, but rather due to their physiology. They simply live longer in a lower gravity environment, and like any death fearing species, tries to avoid that as much as possible. Nearly all of their species left their homeworlds in an even known as the Exodus. 99% of their species now lives in space in a Dyson Swarm that is slowly being constructed and is expected to be completed in another hundred thousand years or so. Their largest planetary population is on Collena at just over a billion people, while the population in space is around 110 billion.

    The species only joined the Galactic council only a few hundred years ago and their civilization has yet to extend beyond the reach of a single system. They don't seem that interested with settling other systems and they have an aversion to being on the surface of a world for too long. Despite that, the Regalti have managed to make contact with a number of very powerful civilizations and secure alliances with many of them, including the Vusinor, the Aureana, and the Detesta. This doesn't help their single vote out of a hundred thousand in the Galactic Council, but it did give them access to powerful technology that they later adapted for themselves.


    Homeworld: -Unknown-
    Average Lifespans: 60 EYears
    Total Population: 18 Billion
    Kardashev Scale: 1
    Owned System: 1 (Total)
    The Yil are a short statured, short lived, yellow skinned humanoid species with four arms. They don't have an internal skeletal structure, instead relying on thousands of small, compressed, Argon filled sacs that provide the same functions. They have several strange alternate biochemistries, and can also survive much warmer and colder temperatures, and much more toxic environments than that of other carbon-based life.

    The Yil were originally a slave race, owned by the Sseterri, a K1.5 civilization that owned several entire species and tried hiding them from the rest of the Galaxy. The Vusinor purchased the Yil from the Sseterri and then freed them, giving them a system in the Cairn Sector of their own. To the Vusinor, the Yil are better off free, but also better off working for them. Most Yil assist the Vusinor in building their many Dyson Swarms around their many star systems, working in environments that are outright toxic and deadly to most other forms of life, performing tasks in places that would even break down machines.

    Minor Civilizations


    Homeworld: Ablabok
    Home System: Siltauxen
    Average Lifespan: 1200 EYears
    Total Population: 117 Million
    Kardashev Scale: 0.1
    Maenor - Square.png

    The homeworld of the Maenor is a 'Snowball World'. Glaciers exist everywhere on land and covers oceans except near the equator. The Maenor evolved on land while the planet was slowly freezing, and are able to breath both the seawater and the specific atmosphere of their world, which is extremely rare in the Galaxy. Most ocean based civilizations can't breath in an atmosphere at all, and with no access to fire, are stuck in the stone age forever.


    Homeworld: Fragtun
    Home System: Dartwell
    Average Lifespan: 75 EYears
    Total Population: 93 Million
    Kardashev Scale: 0.2

    The Vusinor first contacted the Zarni at the dawn of the civilization's Iron Age, were confused for a mythical race of another plane of existence, and had their technology explained away as magic, and are avoided by the Zarni. This works just fine for the Vusinor, who are only on the world to research the gigantic structures from an earlier civilization. These superficially relate to structures found in other parts of the Galaxy.


    Homeworld: Gla'ak
    Home System: Dulgiz
    Average Lifespan: 125 EYears
    Total Population: 2.5 Billion
    Kardashev Scale: 0.7

    Race of humanoids, evolved from rodent type mammals. Previously their species nearly destroyed their planet, irradiating 85% of the planet's surface and fighting a war underground. The Vusinor have transplanted a small number of Ulharn to another habitable world to prevent the species from dying out entirely. This is the planet Tarnak in the Algiz system. The Vusinor hope that the Ulharn will repopulate this planet, and avoid destroying themselves this time.


    Homeworld: Ulasai
    Home System: Uatreme
    Average Lifespan: 105 EYears
    Total Population: 765 Million
    Kardashev Scale: 0.2

    Species with an Avian body plan, evolved from Saurian type animals. They are permanently slouched over, with a large tail balancing their movements. They have long legs and their arms evolved grasping hands. Brialliant feathers cover their entire body so they have no need for clothing. They are highly intelligent and prove that you don't always need a humanoid body plan to evolve higher intelligence, and is of interest to the Vusinor because of this.

    Notable Systems

    Author's Note: ((10/20 Notable Systems Described so far..))


    Home System of the Regalti. Notable for having three habitable planets, including a so-called 'double habitable planet', one of the only ones to exist in the entire Galaxy.
    Planet Header.png


    This system has been around for only 20 million years and won't last long enough for life to develop. The planets are still of interest due to their composition, one being made almost entirely of diamond and rare elements. There has been an active Vusinor mining operation here for over a thousand years.


    Orbiting the star just outside the frost line is a single large gas giant that might be considered a Brown Dwarf. Orbiting this are two ice giants as well as two large rocky worlds and hundreds of smaller moons. One of these worlds is habitable and is just barely warm enough to support life.


    The fourth planet is geologically the least interesting world in this system, but it has a colossal radial structure covering much of it's northern hemisphere. Built by a much earlier civilization, it isn't entirely known what the structure was for, but theories say it might have been a weapon.


    The planets of this system seem to have extremely eliptical orbits, the result of a nearby star influencing the system in the past. The major point of interest in this world is the snowball planet that the local Menor call Ablabok. Areakeyuk have been spotted in this system, and are openly hostile to everyone.


    The Termian system has no planets and is dominated by a black hole. Orbiting just outside the accretion disk is a blackened Cube, around 200 kilometers in diameter. The nature of this cube has been the subject of debate for quite some time...
    Termian System.png


    The Red Giant Star in this system seems to be stable for now. The Kerasalt species homeworld of Ulasai has evidence of no less than seven earlier civilizations from unrelated species, All avian in nature, spread apart by many millions of years.


    The Verenthe System has the remains of a dyson sphere and a planet that was baked dry from its parent star over a billion years ago. It isn't know who built the sphere, but its destruction was likely due to a super flare from the system's red dwarf star.


    Home system of the Vusinor. Every possible square mile of every solid surface in this system has been settled and built on and the system is almost 20% done with building a Dyson Swarm.
    Venjint System.png


    The Star in this system is considered sacred by many Regalti religions, who regard the great red spot in the sky as their god Ventar. This Red Hypergiant is the largest star in the Cairn Sector by size and is expected to explode in the next few hundred years.


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    Aug 20, 2024 19:52 by Mochi

    I love the depth you've gone into, with this article! Really makes it feel real :D

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