Al Shalla Shah

The Burdened One Al Shalla Shah

Al Shalla Shah is the secretive, charismatic leader of the the Radients. He is one of the only half elves known to exist in Cairne and keeps closed company, seldom leaving the Haven in Olive Branch where he resides.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Al Shalla Shah is a bit of an anomaly in Carine in that, he is a half elf. He retains a great deal of features of both parents, though he has never met nor heard the name of his father. His mother raised him in Olive Branch, a social pariah in her own community for various crimes against the Ventrye people that led to her own exile. Between her paranoia and the onset of the madness carried in his elven heritage, Al Shalla Shah slowly grew more and more unstable, but in his intelligence, was well able to keep it hidden, usually using his mother a shield until old age took her. He was devastated by her death, and came to believe it was the wastes reclaiming the cost of his own survival. In his mind this blossomed the beginnings of the Order he would create.

Mental Trauma

Al Shalla Shah is quite mad, as the curse of his elven heritage has grown in him over the years. He is quite proud to be a mixed blood, knowing the rarity of it, but is blind to the insanity that it carries, instead believing the dissonance in his psyche to be a sign of his own divinity. He has no qualms about the things he or his followers do, and feels no remorse or regrets about it.

Intellectual Characteristics

Al Shalla Shah is incredibly intelligent, have spent the vast majority of his life in books.


Religious Views

The Burdened One has a severe god complex and views himself as ascendant. He presents himself as having infallible wisdom and complete dominion over his people.

Social Aptitude

He is completely anti-social, preferring to work through his inner circle to communicate and drive his commands to fruition.
  • Level 18 Arcanist
  • Armor Class 20
  • Hit Points 119 (20d6 + 40)
  • Speed 40'
  • STR 14 (+2)
  • DEX 18 (+4)
  • CON 14 (+2)
  • INT 20 (+5)
  • WIS 13 (+2)
  • CHA 16 (+3)
  • Sand Slip Can disappear into sand as a bonus action searches made at disadvantage to find them.
Divine Classification
Cult Leader
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Cloistered at the Haven
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Burdened One
Current Residence
The Haven
Brown and Blue
Black and grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown
178 lb
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Languages Common, Gauldowhynnian, Ventryte, Handform, Culvarkt. Hiverspeak


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