
The blade named "Aran'dhel" is a marvel of divine craftsmanship, its ethereal beauty and radiant glow marking it as a weapon of celestial origin. Crafted from pure light itself, the blade seems to shimmer and dance with an otherworldly brilliance, casting prismatic hues across its surface as it catches the light.   At first glance, "Aran'dhel" appears to be a thing of unearthly beauty, its slender form and graceful curves evoking a sense of reverence and awe. But it is not merely its physical appearance that sets it apart - it is the power it holds within. With each strike, "Aran'dhel" possesses the ability to mend wounds and restore vitality to Lyrindel and her allies. As the blade connects with its target, a warm and comforting energy radiates forth, enveloping those nearby in a healing embrace. Wounds close, and vitality returns, as the divine power of the blade works its magic to banish injury and restore strength, but "Aran'dhel" is more than just a tool of is a tangible symbol of the goddess's favor and protection. Forged in the fires of divine creation, it bears the blessing of Shah herself, imbuing it with an aura of celestial power that transcends mortal understanding, and making it a formidable weapon as well.   In Lyrindel's hands, according to records of her exploits, "Aran'dhel" became more than just a weapon, it was a conduit for the divine, a vessel through which the goddess's grace flowed forth to aid and protect her chosen champion. With each swing of the blade, Lyrindel channeled the power of Shah herself, bringing healing and restoration to all who stood at her side.


This was crafted specifically for Lyrindel, Supreme Grand-Master of Spring, Shah's Mercy, The Hand of Friendship upon her elevation to Champion, and was a boon crafted by the goddess Shah making it an artifact of tremendous power.
Creation Date
2661 AR
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