
"As the forests fell away, so did the innocence that once dwelled there."

The forests of Gaul Do Shah, once verdant and teeming with life, stood as a vibrant testament to nature’s splendor. These woodlands were a sanctuary for diverse species, each playing a part in the ecological harmony. However, this lush paradise began to deteriorate as the Wastes, a creeping blight of sand and desolation, encroached upon the land. Slowly, the rich greenery withered and died, replaced by a barren expanse where only the hardiest could hope to survive.   Amidst this transformation, the ruins of an ancient world emerged, saturated with the mystic energies of forgotten Elven magic and laden with treasures of untold value. Guardians of these relics, the spirits of the wood, found themselves in a realm unrecognizable as their own. Stripped of their connection to both the Elven culture and the natural world of the trees, these spirits underwent a profound metamorphosis. No longer ethereal beings of foliage and flora, they evolved into entities of leather and grit, a physical adaptation to the harsh, new environment that had supplanted their home.   These transformed guardians, bound eternally to the relics they once protected with grace, now watch over them with a fierce resentment. Their purpose—to safeguard the ancient treasures—remains, but their hope for release or fulfillment has long since faded. Tethered to the cursed ruins, their existence is marked by an eternal vigil, a duty that was never meant to withstand the ravages of time and change. Their anger, deep and bitter, stems from their continuous service without liberation, a duty that has become their curse.

Basic Information


The Brittleskins were once intelligent tree spirits brought into being by Elven magic. Originally they resembled small myconid creatures, and they were known to grow into all shapes and colors, seldom gaining more than about four feet in height. As their shelter was lost and the culture that they served abandoned them, they withdrew, forced to hunt and hide to survive. Many died within the first twenty years, but the fast growing creatures, once known as Mycans, evolved quickly. the skin became thick and strong and their appendages grew longer and stronger. They appear as leathery skinned humanoids, but still somewhat retain their former fungal shape and only appear in shades of brown and tan. They have adopted the use of spears crafted from the remains that they are bound to and occasionally will use weapons found on the dead. . They two small visible eyes and a small mouth and due to their small stature, have take to using whatever they can find to further plate their bodies with armor, using bones and small scraps of metal or stone to add to their survivability by lacing it through the outer layers of flesh on their bodies.

Genetics and Reproduction

Brittleskins, originally derived from magical, fungal tree spirits, reproduce asexually through a process similar to spore release, deeply influenced by their mycological origins. This process allows them to reproduce independently, crucial for survival in the sparse and harsh conditions of the Wastes. They produce spores internally, which accumulate in specialized sacs within their bodies. When environmental conditions are right, such as during rare rainfalls or significant drops in temperature, the Brittleskins release these spores into the air. This release is timed to maximize the spores' survival chances, relying on the moisture in the air to help them settle and grow. Once released, the spores settle on nutrient-rich ground, often within the crevices of ruins or under the shelter of debris. Here, they germinate and grow, protected from the harsh environment and predators by their location. The ruins' residual magic also aids in their growth, imbuing them with the energies needed for development.   The gestation period for these spores is about three months, during which they absorb nutrients and moisture from their surroundings. This period is critical as it allows the embryonic Brittleskins to develop the resilience and adaptability needed to survive in the Wastes. The germinated spores grow rapidly, developing into juvenile Brittleskins. These juveniles resemble small fungal sprouts initially and are soft and vulnerable. Over the following two months, they undergo a rapid maturation process, their skins toughening up and darkening to the leathery texture characteristic of adult Brittleskins.   Despite their asexual reproduction, Brittleskins form tight-knit communities where older and more experienced individuals play a crucial role in guiding the juveniles. They teach them how to hunt, utilize the ruins for shelter, and craft tools and weapons from the materials available in their environment. This communal support is vital for each Brittleskin to learn the skills necessary to navigate the challenging conditions of the Wastes.

Ecology and Habitats

The brittleskins have formed small and often interconnected communities within the Wastes. As the items they are charged with protecting are stolen or destroyed, the magic that binds them fades until they are released. The free Brittleskins use this to the advantage of the others by acting as go-betweens for the various locations they can be found.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their diet consists mainly of insects and small rodents, but they require large amounts of moisture which has become increasingly more and more rare as the Wastes have taken over the lands. To supplement this they have discovered that the fluids carried by other organisms can be used to sate this need...both internal and carried.   The freed creatures roam the Wastes in bands of 5 to 10, hunting and gathering for themselves and the others and are not opposed to bringing down a humanoid if they can and draining it of all they can use.


Brittleskins exhibit a highly cooperative behavior within their communities. Given their asexual reproduction and solitary nature of spore release, once they mature, Brittleskins rely heavily on communal living to enhance their survival chances. They share responsibilities such as guarding their territories, caring for the young ones right after they emerge from spores, and teaching survival skills. They use a variety of sounds and physical gestures to communicate, especially important in their dark, often obscured environment. This helps in coordinating group activities and warning each other of dangers.   When confronted by predators, Brittleskins primarily adopt defensive strategies. Their tough, leathery skin provides some protection, but they also use the environment to their advantage, hiding among ruins and using narrow passages that larger creatures cannot navigate. If escape is possible, Brittleskins prefer to flee rather than fight, making use of their knowledge of the terrain to lose pursuers. They are adept at moving silently and quickly when necessary. In cases where flight is not an option, they can band together to form a defensive perimeter, using crafted spears and any available debris as makeshift weapons   Brittleskins are opportunistic when it comes to hunting. Their diet mainly consists of insects and small rodents, but they will hunt larger creatures if the opportunity arises. Their hunting strategy involves setting simple traps or ambushing prey from concealed locations. They are known to utilize every part of their catch, not only consuming the flesh for sustenance but also using bones and hides for tools and clothing. This efficiency is vital in their resource-scarce environment. In desperate times, especially when water is scarce, Brittleskins might resort to extracting fluids from their prey, displaying a pragmatic approach to their dietary needs.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Brittleskins live in small, tightly-knit communities often described as clans or tribes. Each tribe is typically bound to a specific area or set of ruins that they protect and consider their territory. These clans are often interconnected through familial ties and shared responsibilities. Leadership within each clan is usually merit-based, often held by the most experienced or the wisest among them. These leaders are responsible for making critical decisions regarding the clan's welfare, such as when and where to move, how to distribute resources, and strategies for defense against predators. Given their origin as guardians of Elven treasures, many Brittleskins continue to act as protectors of specific relics or ruins. This role is deeply ingrained in their culture and adds a layer of sacred duty to their social structure.   To sustain the clan, designated members take on the roles of hunters and gatherers, venturing out to find food and water. These roles are crucial and highly respected within the community while some Brittleskins specialize in crafting tools, weapons, and armor from available materials. Others focus on building and maintaining shelters using debris and ruins, ensuring the clan's safety from environmental hazards and enemies.   Communication and cooperation are vital for the survival of each clan. Brittleskins use a variety of sounds, gestures, and even bioluminescent signals to communicate, especially useful in the dim environments of the Wastes. Knowledge transfer is a critical component of their society. Experienced Brittleskins teach the younger ones essential skills such as hunting, crafting, and the lore of their people, ensuring that each generation is well-equipped to survive and thrive. They also maintain a rich cultural heritage, which includes rituals and traditions that strengthen their communal bonds and connect them to their mystical origins. These rituals often involve honoring the spirits of the wood from which they evolved and paying homage to the Elven magic that once animated them.

Average Intelligence

Brittleskins have developed significant problem-solving skills, essential for surviving in the Wastes. They can craft tools and weapons from available materials, set traps for prey, and strategically use the terrain to their advantage against predators. They have a good memory, which is crucial for remembering safe routes, locations of water sources, and areas rich in food. This ability also aids them in avoiding previously encountered dangers. They share knowledge, such as hunting techniques and survival strategies, which indicates a collective intelligence that enhances their individual and group survival.   Their intelligence extends to their ability to adapt and innovate, crucial traits given their environment's constant changes due to the encroaching Wastes. Brittleskins are adept at using whatever resources they find to improve their living conditions, whether it’s building shelters from the ruins or crafting armor from scavenged materials.   The Brittleskins' intelligence is quite sophisticated given their circumstances. They are not just reactive survivors but proactive learners and innovators, capable of thinking ahead and planning for future needs.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have sight (Darkvision 120'), and can hear, but communicate with one another via spore clouds.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Languages Gauldowhynna


In the zenith of the Elven empire, the vast, lush forests of Gaul Do Shah were not only a natural wonder but also a hub of Elven magic and innovation. The Elves, masters of enchantment and guardians of nature, created the Brittleskins as woodland spirits. Initially known as Mycans, these beings were small, sentient fungi-like creatures, crafted to act as custodians of the Elves' treasured relics and lush habitats. Intricately connected to the forests and the Elves, Mycans thrived under their protection and care, growing and living in harmony with the vibrant ecosystem around them.   The unforeseen catastrophe of the Blight spready quickly, this dark force, emanating from extra-dimensional origins, gradually encroached upon the verdant landscapes of the Elven territories. The once lush forests of Gaul Do Shah withered, succumbing to desolation and decay, transforming into the Wastes, a harsh, unforgiving landscape dominated by sand and devoid of life. As the forests died, so too did the Elves' influence wane, leaving the Mycans isolated from the magical and natural resources that had sustained them.   Faced with extinction, the Mycans were forced to evolve rapidly. Their once delicate, fungal bodies hardened and their appendages grew tougher and more adaptable for survival in the new, brutal environment. As their physical forms changed, so too did their spiritual essence. The connection to their creators severed, the Mycans, now known more commonly as Brittleskins, adapted to a harsh and unforgiving lifestyle, scavenging the ruins of their once-great civilization for sustenance and shelter. They retained their role as guardians, albeit out of an ingrained sense of purpose rather than any magical obligation, protecting what little remained of the Elven relics out of respect and tradition rather than duty.   As the Blight stabilized into the barren Wastes, the Brittleskins found themselves scattered across the landscape, forming small, tightly-knit communities. Each group clung to different ruins, each a reminder of their past glory and current desolation. The Brittleskins became fiercely protective of their new territories and the ancient treasures they contained, though now their guardianship was driven by survival rather than servitude. Over time, they developed a new culture, one shaped by the challenges of their environment, where every member had a role that ensured the survival of their community. They became hunters, gatherers, craftsmen, and warriors, each skill honed over generations.   Today, the Brittleskins remain as a nearly forgotten relic of their own heritage. Though their origins are rooted in magic and mysticism, their continued existence is a product of sheer survival instinct and the ability to thrive in even the most adverse conditions. The remnants of their Elven-created essence linger in their rituals and the reverence they show towards the relics and ruins they protect, a bridge between their mystical past and their rugged present.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Bonedancers: The Bonedancers are viewed by the Brittleskins with a mixture of fascination and trepidation. The transformation of these beings from their Elven heritage into something almost unrecognizable strikes a chord of horror and curiosity in the Brittleskins. They see the Bonedancers as a cautionary tale of losing one's essence to unnatural alteration, however, the technological prowess of the Bonedancers could be of interest for trade or alliance, provided their mechanical nature does not conflict with the Brittleskins' magical roots.   Gauldowhynna: Brittleskins harbor a complex relationship with Elves, the race that originally created them. While they once viewed the Elves with reverence and loyalty, the abandonment during the Blight has left a residue of betrayal, however, they still hold a sentimental connection to the Elven relics and ruins, treating these with a near-sacred respect. The scattered, feral Elves are seen with pity and a sense of lost kinship. They are remnants of a shared glorious past now reduced to whispers and shadows.   Dwarves: Dwarves are generally respected by the Brittleskins but are also regarded with caution. The Dwarves’ mining activities sometimes disturb the ancient ruins, causing conflicts, however, there's an underlying respect for their engineering skills and resilience, qualities the Brittleskins value highly. Occasional trade and information exchanges occur, especially in tools and metalworks that are useful for the Brittleskins’ survival.   Humans: Humans are met with suspicion and wariness by Brittleskins. Often expansive and unpredictable, humans pose a threat due to their expansionist tendencies which can lead to encroachment on Brittleskins' territories, but the humans' adaptability and diverse cultures also make them potential allies, and cautious interactions can sometimes lead to mutually beneficial arrangements.   Ougham: There exists a natural affinity between Brittleskins and the Ougham, given their shared connection to plant life, albeit in vastly different forms. The Ougham, as sentient plant beings, often share similar ecological niches and environmental concerns. Brittleskins feel a kinship with the Ougham, often allying with them to protect the natural remnants around the Wastes and to learn from their deep, intrinsic connection to the living world.   Sahahimu Peoples: The Sahahimu Peoples are regarded with respect and kinship by the Brittleskins. This connection stems from the Brittleskins’ own origins tied to the natural world, though they have diverged significantly. The Sahahimu's ability to live in harmony with nature and their ancient lineage make them natural allies in the Brittleskins' efforts to preserve what remains of the natural order within the Wastes. There is a mutual understanding and respect for each other's roles as stewards.   Seanachaisians: The Brittleskins view the Seanachaisians with a mix of awe and indifference. While they respect the Seanachaisians’ role in keeping history and lore alive, a task somewhat similar to their own role as guardians, they often find their lack of practical survival skills and their focus on lore over tangible action to be impractical.   Volrishtad: The Volrishtad, if known to the Brittleskins, are regarded with a blend of curiosity and caution. Being less familiar, interactions with Volrishtad are rare and usually marked by a strong sense of guarded curiosity. The Brittleskins would be keenly interested in understanding the intentions and the nature of the Volrishtad, always with an underlying readiness to defend their territories and communities.
Scientific Name
Scleromyces relicta
10 to 12 years
Average Height
Average Weight
45 lb
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Brittleskin by Midjourney


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