Cauldron of the Ruad Rofhessa

This ancient cauldron is a very powerful, ancient artifact crafted by the infamous half Fey, Caoimhe Iníon Mab as a means by which she might endeavor to garner information that she could use to further cause strife among the realm of mortals. This is one of the few remaining relics related to the ancient art of scrying that remains in existence.

Manufacturing process

The incantation used in enchanting this item:   “Lugh an Lámh Fada, mac Cian & Ethniu Túsa a rinne seirbhís faoi Rí Nuada na Lámha Airgid Éist le m'iarratas, a iníon uaigneach Cé a fhéachann le filleadh agus a bheith slán! Go dtuga siad siúd breathnú ar an rúin seo Faigh na freagraí atá á lorg acu agus éadóchas! Go ndallfar a súile ar shólás an tsaoil Agus ní fhaigheann a gcluasa ach feall agus bréaga Bíodh an fhírinne i do ghath sa dorchadas nach bhfeictear Eitilt san ointment Crúca ar an bhfeoil Freagair a n-iarratas Taispeáin a bhfuil á lorg acu Ach temper sé le madness agus éilliú Ionas go dtógfaidís an duine dóite seo uaim! Guím ort, a chráitéir na mbó nimhe! Ailtire bás Bres Tú a tholg súl nimhe Bhalóir, Tabhair do chumhacht uaigneach ar iasacht dom!”


Built as a matter of malicious desperation, the half Fey sought desperately for a means by which she might be accepted by the kinfolk she so desperately sought approval and a return to. The Cauldron allowed her to scy over long distances and into the affairs of mortals, and it was through this ability that she was able to orchestrate a great many calamitous events and misfortunes which she visited upon the mortals of her time.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
1560 AR
40 pounds
40.6 cm W x 30.4 cm H
Raw materials & Components
The cauldron is made of beaten copper and electrum, hand crafted and etched by Caoimhe Iníon Mab herself.

This article has no secrets.


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