
The fungal spores that cover the area in and around the Goldspire Ridge are the particulate pathogenic fungus that lead to the unique color. The spores emanate from the soil around the area and are kicked up into the air by the winds that flow down from the higher altitudes.

Basic Information


This is a saprobic fungus that feeds on dead or decaying organic matter, suggesting a large a source of it exists in the region where it is most concentrated. It appears as large spherules containing endospores once it settles in a host, but exists in a saprobic mycelial phase until then, capable of infectious arthroconidia.

Genetics and Reproduction

This fungus reproduces asexually while in the soil it originates from.

Growth Rate & Stages

The coccidioides fungus has two cycles of growth and maturity, the saprobic and the parasitic. The saprobic cycle cycle originates in the soil where the endospore converts to mycelium and from there develops arthroconidia along the strands of mycella. It lies there in the soil until it is disturbed by the downdraft of wind coming off the mountain peaks of the Goldenspire Range. It is pushed into the air where it is encompassed by the free floating spore clouds that dominates the area and where it will remain active and potentially harmful for a period of up to three days.   The parasitic cycle occurs if inhaled, where once within the host it will begin to rapidly grow and spread through the tissues there, releasing more and more endospores within the host. This infection if left untreated will claim the life of a standard sized humanoid or large animal within a week.

Ecology and Habitats

This particular type of fungus is only found in the Goldspire Range territory and has never been seen elsewhere. While some scientists postulate the potential danger of a environmental shift or a drastic change in the weather pushing the cloud south and into inhabited lands, this has never occurred according to existing records.    The lack of naturally occurring organic life in that area raising a rather large mystery as well, as the fungus can only grow in or upon decaying organic matter. While many wild theories exist, the danger of the location has halted all attempts to seek answers to these questions.
Scientific Name
Coccidioides posadasii
Three days without a host, up to a week if within one.
Geographic Distribution


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