
The Northern Reaches of the Culvarkt   As the Blight overtook the sprawling caverns of Underhome, the vast underground kingdom of the Dwarves, the surviving communities did their best to hold the darkness and the creatures that it spawned at bay. The dwarves were beaten and pushed back, their numbers dropping substantially as they went. Months went by without a cessation or any sign that the efforts they were making held any hope of gaining purchase against the otherworldly forces that now besieged them. The remaining Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the surviving clans called upon one another to hold council and decide once and for all, the fate of their people. Stay and fight, or flee the once glorious homelands for the sake of survival. Jonathon Culvarkt, argued fiercely to abandon the hollow halls and deep places and seek refuge with their long-time allies, the humans. They were owed, he believed, at least that. His cousin, the famed warrior Arguus Fouvienius struck down every argument and refused to move on his stance that the Dwarven people had a duty to the rest of the races, to toe the line and keep back the foul creatures that were seeking the overtake the halls of Underhome and possibly the rest of the lands above from there. He did not believe that the humans could be trusted, and claimed they should be held accountable for the death and destruction they had brought upon the face of Cairne. The dwarven houses were split and could find no agreeable terms upon which they might compromise, and so, Culvarkt and the houses that supported him abandoned the deep places and sought refuge in the Northern mountains known as the God's Teeth. There, with the help of the human races, they rebuilt upon the mountain peaks and opulent and breathtaking architectural wonder. They blended their skill and engineering prowess with the technological aptitude of the humans and created marvels and wonders that placed them in the ruling class as time went by. They developed great sky-born trade systems utilizing their now sizable fleet of airships, moving goods from place to place at speeds unknown before. The Culvarkt family name became the name of an Empire, and while the other houses still flourish under Culvarkt rulle, the rest of Cairne refers to them by the name of the ruling house. Joseph continues to show great promise as a masterful tactician, a skilled airship pilot, and a cunning negotiator. The Culvarkt dwarves have maintained a peaceful life since their departure, but the bad blood between brothers continues to simmer below the surface, and dwarves don't ever forget a grudge.


Major language groups and dialects

  • Common
  • Culvarkt

Culture and cultural heritage

Everywhere one looks in the capital city, Culvarkti, there are traders hawking wares, markets, pubs, and shops selling almost any good imaginable from all over Cairne. They have a love affair with technology of all sorts and many tinkers can be found here crafting gadgets and devices of all sorts and every level of complexity...many of them do not work and there is a quite famous fire brigade here, The Snow Kings, that are on call at all times to diffuse explosives, put out fires, and rescue trapped inventors.

Shared customary codes and values

They are proud of what they have achieved and culturally predisposed to capitalism. There are no native meats in the immediate area, and while the dwarves do still love to eat, generations of life here on the mountain peak have seen them grow more accustomed to mushrooms, tubers, and roots as a mainstay staple in their diet. This most likely assisted in the slightly taller and slimmer build they now present as opposed to their cousins, the Fouvienians.

Common Etiquette rules

As a whole the culvarkt dwarves are friendly and welcoming to other races and cultures. They are open and warm, and always eager to accommodate a guest to their great cities on the mountain.

Common Dress code

Petticoats and leather shoes, bustled dresses and intricate jewelry. The Culvarkt always dress best for the occasion. The trend is to keep hair short in men or long and gracefully flowing in women.

Art & Architecture

The dwarves' architectural designs exhibit a remarkable fusion of form and function, emphasizing geometric motifs, clean lines, and angles that impart a sense of stability and strength. The buildings are constructed using robust materials such as stone, metal, and other mined substances that can withstand the harsh mountain weather and topography.   Their artistic expression is highly intricate and meticulously crafted, showcasing their expert skills in metallurgy, masonry, and other crafts, incorporating a fusion of industrial and natural motifs, featuring depictions of gears, steam engines, and other mechanical devices intermingled with images of mountains, clouds, and other natural elements.

Foods & Cuisine

Due to their environment and origin, the Culvarkt still rely heavily of fungal gardens, but due to their relocation upon the God's Teeth Mountains, and the innovation of House Skealt , their dietary consumption has opened up to include many hearty crops and tubers such as potatoes, carrots, and turnips. They still maintain a largely vegetarian diet despite the changes however.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Culvarkt dwarves maintain a close relationship with the Hiversteadian humans that live in the area surrounding the mountains, and work in close association with them in all matters of defense. They also keep close ties with the Bechtlarite Empire due to the trade potential and the mutually shared love of technology. The dwarves, generally speaking, do not hold any religion in high regard, and sees the divine abandonment as a potential way for the mortals of Cairne to take their rightful places as masters of their own destiny, and believe that the blight, for all the wanton destruction it brought, was actually a catalyst for positive change in the long run, and way for the world as a whole to start over.

Common Taboos

The only socially sore spot they have toward another culture is the attitude they have towards the Fouvienians, which is one of pitiable contempt. They view the other dwarves as uncultured, stuck in their ways, and unable to move past old wounds. While there is no open militaristic actions against them, the Council keeps tabs on them warily, aware that the remaining inhabitants of Underhome, view them as traitors and enemies. This is the one group they do not trade with, but the League of Steam has taken great care to place many agents within the ranks of the Fouvienian strongholds and stays abreast of the activities of the ruling class there.


Beauty Ideals

Clean and well-kempt, these dwarves tend to break all convention as far as most would expect. They have a heavy leaning toward fashionable clothing, reflecting whatever is trending in the more popular areas of the world. Petticoats and leather shoes, bustled dresses and intricate jewelry. The Culvarkt always dress best for the occasion. The trend is to keep hair short in men or long and gracefully flowing in women. The higher atmosphere has begun to have an effect on the dwarves, leading to slightly taller, leaner builds and fairer features. While the men still favor their beards as a matter of pride, it is more acceptable to wear it well trimmed and groomed. Their love of technology is well displayed in everyday life, as any gadget or trinket that shows a degree of useful innovation is coveted and worn with pride.

Gender Ideals

The Culvarkt, in matters of gender, do not differentiate nor see one as more adept than the other in matters of gender, with men and women holding equal roles of both power and command throughout their empire.

Articles under Culvarkt


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