Echo of Dawn Item in Cairne | World Anvil

Echo of Dawn

The horn named "Echo of Dawn" is a sacred artifact crafted from the horns of the forest's most noble creatures and infused with the essence of the rising sun. Its sleek and elegant design belies the ancient magic contained within, making it a potent instrument of both summoning and inspiration. The "Echo of Dawn" appears to be a simple horn, its smooth surface adorned with intricate carvings that depict scenes of nature's beauty, but even the uninitiated or untrained can easily sense the pulsating energy that emanates from within, a tangible manifestation of the horn's magical power.   In the hands of its wielder, "Echo of Dawn" possesses the ability to summon reinforcements in the form of animals and creatures of the forests. With a resounding blast, the horn sends forth a call that echoes through the trees, summoning the denizens of the forest to aid in battle. From swift-footed deer to majestic eagles, these creatures heed the call of the horn, answering the summons of their champion with unwavering loyalty and ferocity. This, paired with the uplifting melodies that emanate from its enchanted depths results in a powerful magic that fills the air with a harmonious melody that uplifts the spirits of allies, instilling them with courage and determination.


In the hands of Aelarion, the Supreme Grand Master of Autumn and Shah's Hope, The Unifier, "Echo of Dawn" was a symbol of unity and strength, and an enduring bond between the elves and the natural world. With each blast of its mighty call and each uplifting melody played, Aelarion spread hope and optimism wherever he went, inspiring his allies to stand firm in the face of adversity.
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