
The longbow named "Elerryn" is a marvel of elven craftsmanship, its sleek and elegant design a testament to the skill and artistry of its creators. Crafted from the finest materials found in the depths of the elven forests, the bow is adorned with intricate carvings that depict symbols of the dawn...a time of new beginnings and boundless potential.   At first glance, "Elerryn" appears to be a thing of ethereal beauty, its smooth curves and graceful lines evoking a sense of reverence and awe. But it is not merely its physical appearance that sets it apart, for within its slender frame lies a reservoir of potent magic, waiting to be unleashed upon the world. When drawn, the bow glows with a soft, golden light, illuminating the darkness around it and banishing shadows with its radiant glow. Its arrows, crafted from pure light itself, shimmer and dance as they fly through the air, leaving trails of brilliance in their wake, but it is not just their dazzling appearance that makes these arrows special, it is the power they possess to instill hope and courage in the hearts of Thalindra's allies with each strike. Wherever they land, they leave behind a sense of optimism and determination, inspiring those around them to stand firm in the face of adversity and never lose sight of their purpose.


This was crafted specifically for Auroriel, Supreme Grand-Master of Summer, Shah's Hope, The Hand of Aspiration upon her elevation to Champion, and was a boon crafted by the goddess Shah making it an artifact of tremendous power.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Creation Date
2674 AR
Current Location
Current Holder
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Owning Organization


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