Geasaí Dall

Crafted by the shattered hands of the Seanachaisian survivors, these cursed relics were meant as vessels of solace, preserving the memories of those lost in the cataclysmic Blight, but what began as tokens of remembrance have twisted into instruments of malevolence, each Geasaí Dall harboring a darkness that hungers for chaos and despair. In the depths of their once innocent forms, the Geasaí Dall hold a malevolent sentience, a corrupted echo of the grief and anguish poured into their creation. They now stalk the world with an insatiable hunger, drawn to suffering like moths to a flame.   Their appearance, once comforting in its familiarity, now evokes a sense of dread and unease. The intricacies of their craftsmanship serve only to accentuate the darkness that lurks within. Eyes that once held warmth and love now gleam with a sinister light, promising nothing but torment to those who dare to gaze upon them. The Geasaí Dall are masters of manipulation, their innocent guise concealing a heart as black as the void itself. They whisper lies and half-truths into the ears of their unwitting victims, driving them to madness and despair with every whispered word. Some of these cursed dolls have ascended to terrifying levels of power, and their malevolent intelligence has grown with each passing year, allowing them to bend reality to their will and shape the very fabric of existence to suit their dark desires.   Though they are objects of terror and despair, there are those who seek out the Geasaí Dall, drawn to their power, but for most, encountering one of these twisted relics is a fate worse than death, a reminder of the darkness that lurks within the hearts of men and the depths of despair that await those who dare to tread where the light cannot reach.

Basic Information


The Geasaí Dall, though they appear as ordinary dolls at first glance, harbor a complex and sinister anatomy beneath their innocent facade. Their outer shell, crafted with meticulous detail by the skilled hands of the Seanachaisian survivors, is often made of finely woven cloth or intricately carved wood or porcelain. Adorned with symbols of remembrance and grief, these dolls carry the weight of their tragic origins in every stitch and etching. Within this exterior lies the true horror of the Geasaí Dall. Their core, once filled with the memories and emotions of their creators, has been corrupted by the insidious influence of the Void. Dark tendrils of energy coil and writhe within, pulsating with an otherworldly malevolence.   Though they possess no physical form of their own, the Geasaí Dall are capable of manipulating the world around them with an eerie precision. They can move with a fluidity that defies explanation, their limbs bending and contorting in ways that seem impossible for an inanimate object, but perhaps most unsettling of all is the sensation of dread that washes over those who dare to gaze upon them. There is an aura of malevolence that surrounds the Geasaí Dall, a palpable sense of wrongness that lingers in the air wherever they go.


The Geasaí Dall exhibit a chillingly consistent pattern of behavior, driven by their malevolent nature and insatiable hunger for chaos and despair. First and foremost, they are masters of manipulation, using their innocent facade to lull unsuspecting victims into a false sense of security. They are skilled at preying upon the vulnerabilities of others, whispering lies and half-truths into their minds with a voice that seems to emanate from the very depths of their soul. Once they have ensnared their prey, the Geasaí Dall revel in tormenting them, driving them to the brink of madness with visions of unspeakable horror and despair. They feed off the fear and anguish of their victims, drawing strength from their suffering with a sadistic glee that knows no bounds.   In addition to their psychological manipulation, the Geasaí Dall are not above resorting to physical violence when it suits their purposes. They can animate their own bodies with a malevolent energy, turning their once innocent form into a weapon of destruction capable of inflicting untold harm upon those who stand in their way. Furthermore, the Geasaí Dall are drawn to places of darkness and despair, their presence serving to exacerbate the suffering of those already burdened by grief and anguish. They thrive in environments tainted by the influence of the Void, their power growing stronger with each passing moment.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Though they lack physical senses in the traditional sense, they are acutely attuned to the emotions and intentions of those around them, feeding off the fear and despair that they sow. Their eyes, though glassy and lifeless in appearance, serve as conduits for their malevolent intelligence, allowing them to peer into the very depths of a person's soul. With a single glance, they can discern the deepest fears and darkest desires of their victims, using this knowledge to manipulate and torment them with ruthless efficiency, but the Geasaí Dall's perception extends beyond mere sight. They possess an uncanny ability to sense the presence of the Void energy that permeates the world around them, drawing strength from its dark embrace and using it to fuel their insatiable hunger for chaos and destruction.   They can communicate telepathically with those they seek to manipulate, whispering dark promises and half-truths into their minds with a voice that echoes like the tolling of a funeral bell. Furthermore, some of the more powerful Geasaí Dall have been known to manifest psychic abilities of their own, bending the fabric of reality to their will with a mere thought. They can warp the perceptions of their victims, distorting their senses and driving them to the brink of madness with visions of unspeakable horror.

Civilization and Culture


In pre-Blight Seanachaisian society, there existed a tradition of remembrance and reverence for the departed. Known as "Anam Glaoite," or "Whispered Souls," it was a custom deeply ingrained in the fabric of Seanachaisian society, a way of honoring the memories of those who had passed beyond the veil. In times long past, when the Seanachaisians dwelled in their ancestral homeland, the tradition of Anam Glaoite was a simple one. Families would gather together to share stories and memories of their loved ones, keeping their spirits alive through the power of their collective recollections. It was a time of solace and healing, a way for the living to find comfort in the knowledge that their departed kin were never truly gone as long as they were remembered, but all of that changed with the coming of the Blight. In an instant, countless lives were lost, and entire communities torn asunder by the ravages of the Void.   In the aftermath of the Blight, the survivors were left reeling, their world shattered beyond recognition. Bereft of home and hearth, they wandered the desolate wasteland, clinging to the memories of those they had lost with a desperate fervor. It was in this time of darkness and despair that the tradition of Anam Glaoite took on a new form. No longer content to simply remember their loved ones in words alone, many survivors sought to craft physical reminders of their departed kin, dolls imbued with the essence of their lost souls, each one a testament to the love and grief that filled their hearts, and so, the Geasaí Dall were born, beautiful and haunting creations, fashioned with care and devotion by those who had survived the Blight, but as the years passed and the darkness of the Void continued to spread, something sinister began to stir within these once innocent dolls, a darkness that twisted and corrupted their very essence, turning them from symbols of remembrance into instruments of malevolence.   No one knows for certain how or why the Geasaí Dall became what they are now. Some say it was the lingering influence of the Void, seeping into their very being and twisting them to its own dark purpose. Others believe it was the accumulated grief and anguish of generations of Seanachaisians, festering within the dolls like a poison waiting to be unleashed. Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain, the Geasaí Dall are now creatures of darkness and despair, their once innocent purpose twisted beyond all recognition, and though their origins may lie in a tradition of remembrance and reverence, they have become something altogether different
Scientific Name
Potentially Immortal
Related Ethnicities


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