Ioelena Lurie

Supreme Grand Master of Autumn, the Knife of Our Mother, Lady of Artifice Ioelena Lurie

ioelena Lurie was an enigmatic figure that played a prevalent role in several events of historic significance. Like all of her people, she suffered from Spectral Fragmentation which manifested as tangential or disjointed thoughts, and made it difficult for her to communicate coherently, though she seems to have been able, with some effort to fight through this when in the presence of Airtam Morenthall during the time they were together. She is believed to have been the caretaker of the last known Halfling following her interactions with the Somnambuli .


Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Most of Ioelena's tattoo markings that would have identified her title and position she had gone to great effort to remove and conceal, wanting nothing to do with the degraged state of her people and no longer recognizing Queen Sharvisal as the figure of loved and respected authority she once was.

Specialized Equipment

The twin short blades that Ioelena carried were specialized weapons granted to her by the goddess, Shah. While she could no longer manifest the divine power that once coursed through them, the blades themselves remained lethal and perfect in their craftmanship.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ioelena was born in the holy citadel of Shava Hauldohai, nestled into a reservoir nearly entirely surrounded by crystalline waterfalls. As a young elf, she was recognized for her intelligence and skill in combat, particularly with the short blades. As a child of the holy citadel, her purpose in life was predetermined to be one of the elite of her people, and her training continued for centuries with her eventually becoming the master of information and subterfuge for the elven empire of Gaul Do Shah. She was given the unique title of Supreme Grand Master of Autumn, the Knife of Our Mother, Lady of Artifice in a lengthy rite that pushed her to her limits in every aspect of her ability and being, and through them all, she stood victorious..   Ioelena's skills extended beyond combat and subterfugethough, as she was also a skilled craftsperson who could generate, manifest, and employ every secret of the forests and groves, as if the trees themselves answered to her. It was said that she could even speak with and command the trees to follow her whims, causing them to rise up and march at her side.   She was honored by being assigned to the most prestigious role available to her people as one of the guardians of the spirit tree and one of the elite Queen's Guard. When the Blight fell and the forests began to wither and die, Ioelena fought with all she had to defend the tree and her queen and she was among the remaining guardians ordered by Queen Sharvisal to oversee the moving of the spirit tree into the Gaul Do Shah caverns.   As the madness descended on her people and the order came to attack the halflings, Ioelena obeyed like the dedicated soldier she was, but as the violent destruction raged around her, Ioelena could not bear the reflected pain of the small folk as they were slaughtered and instead stood her ground and defending their long-time allies and friends. She instead turned upon her own, fighting cohorts and family alike to save the small folk in a valiant but doomed last stand.   Viciously wounded by her kin, Ioelena ran and hid in one of the crumbling halfling homes to wrap her wounds, and it was there she found a terrified halfling couple, trying their best to hide. Fighting her own mind and the pain she was in, Ioelena coaxed them out and ran with them to safety in a small cave beneath the former location of the spirit tree in the Grove of Shah.   Ioelena cared for the couple for many years in hiding, even assisting in the birth of their son, an undersized, albino baby boy. The mother passed during childbirth, and the father, in his grief, vanished one night while Ioelena was out hunting. Though she tried, she never could find him and assumed the other elves, now mad and feral packs of marauders that hunted the deserts at night, had fallen upon him, killed and likely devoured him.   Ioelena cared for the child up until she rescued Airtam Morenthall from near death.


Ioelena, prior to the Blight was one of the most educated and elite trained members of elven society, called equal by only a handful of others at the time.

Mental Trauma

Spectral Fragmentation affected Ioelena's mental capacity as it does all elves, though her affected states are mainly disjointed thought processes, audio and visual hallucinations, and paranoia. She struggled to speak coherently without effort and instead was generally quiet or communicated in as few words as possible.

Personality Characteristics


Throughout her life, Ioelena was pushed to protect and to be a servant to her people, her goddess, and her queen, and for centuries that was all she knew. When those purposes were stripped away, one by one, she nearly lost her identity in the process, her already fractured mind struggling to overcome the vacuum left behind. The rescued halfling became her new purpose, and she guarded them ruthlessly until they passed, carrying that dedication on to the child and then to Airtam Morenthall, in whom she found a greater purpose than all.



Elevated to Champion 150 AR
Current Status
Deceased (Supposed)
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Supreme Grand Master of Autumn, the Knife of Our Mother, Lady of Artifice
Date of Birth
1st of Cortus, 285 AR
Date of Death
23rd of Senectus, 161 PR
285 AR 161 PR 446 years old
Circumstances of Death
Perished in a fire at the Morenthall Villa
Shava Hauldohai
Place of Death
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dull Pale
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appears in...

Cover image: by Midjourney


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