Lostpoint of the Eolian Song

On the edge of the Blighted Lands, stands a tall plateau known as Lostpoint, whose cap reaches some 5000 feet above the blight itself. The entire structure is riddled with unique Eolian cave systems carved into the structure by the winds that have buffeted them for a million years. At one point this was a monastery, filled with dwarven clerics who lived here in seclusion to pursue a cloistered life of servitude to the god, Bhorgrim, who is claimed to have seeded the deep earth with his tears and brought forth the dwarven race. Before the Blight, the sound of the wind passing through the natural cave structures was a peaceful and harmonious group of tones that constantly filled the air with harmony, maintaining the meditative way of life of the men and women that lived here. The blight not only trapped them inside the plateau's caves, but brought a shift in the winds and tune, causing a ceaseless cacophony to fill the air around and within the area that slowly drove the surviving monks mad. Coupled with the taint of the void, the inhabitants changed and twisted into former husks of themselves and quickly turned on one another, some going so far as to take their own lives before they could be taken by either the madness or their former comrades. The visible walls around the peak are still lined with the bones of the stoics that once lived there, and the myths that surround the plateau are filled with tales of spirits and the hungry dead, unable to escape from the maddening sounds the plateau still makes to this day. There is no known way to circumvent the Blighted areas around the location barring flight, and no one has, to date, made the attempt.

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