
The Malignants remain the the most viable danger in the Spirit World for the Spiritualist to encounter, as these rare entities hold no respect for the affinity of the Spiritualist to their realm. They exist only to seed pain and torment to the living and if given the chance, will attempt to overtake and wrest control over a Spiritualist's body in order to further be able to interact with the world of the living. These spirits are the remains of very powerful souls and are always bound to a specific location, requiring a physical form to escape it. They do offer tremendous amounts of skill and ability that can be drawn from if a Spiritualist is powerful enough to overcome and subdue them, but this is a dangerous game as the spirit, if left to do so, will eventually turn on the Spiritualist, often using devious means to force them into doing whatever they wish. They are extremely rare thankfully, are are often heralded by the stories of the living that they have torments, tales of violent hauntings and an some cases even possession. A Spiritualist should never take these lightly.

Basic Information


The anatomy of Malignants in the Spirit World is a complex and esoteric matter, as their existence transcends the physical realm. Malignants are believed to be the remnants of exceptionally powerful and malevolent souls that have lingered in the Spirit World after death. Unlike more common spirits, Malignants are not content with peacefully coexisting in the spiritual realm; instead, they actively seek to cause pain and torment to the living. While they lack a physical form in the traditional sense, Malignants are thought to possess a dark and twisted energy that defines their essence. This energy is often described as an aura of malevolence or a chaotic force that permeates their spiritual presence. Spiritualists who have encountered Malignants often speak of feeling an overwhelming sense of dread and negative energy in their vicinity.   Malignants are bound to specific locations in the Spirit World, and their ability to interact with the physical world is limited. To overcome this limitation, they seek to inhabit the bodies of living beings, particularly those with a strong connection to the spiritual realm – such as Spiritualists. The process of attempting to overtake and control a Spiritualist's body is a dangerous endeavor, as it involves a struggle for dominance between the Malignant and the Spiritualist's own spirit.   In terms of appearance, Malignants are often described in folklore and spiritualist accounts as shadowy figures or entities with distorted features. Their forms are elusive and ever-changing, reflecting the chaotic nature of their malevolent energy. Some spiritual traditions suggest that Malignants may adopt more concrete and recognizable forms when attempting to interact with the physical world, but these manifestations are typically unsettling and unnerving.   It is crucial for Spiritualists to approach encounters with Malignants cautiously, as the potential benefits of tapping into their dark power come with significant risks. The stories of violent hauntings, possession, and tales of tormented living beings serve as warnings to the dangers that these rare entities pose to those who dare to engage with them.

Ecology and Habitats

  • Spiritual Realm Habitat: Malignants primarily inhabit the ethereal landscapes of the Spiritual Realm, a dimension that exists beyond the physical world. This realm is often depicted as a surreal and ever-shifting environment, where the laws of physics and nature as we know them are replaced by spiritual energies and manifestations. Malignants are drawn to specific areas within this realm, often lingering near the sites of their past lives or the locations where they met their untimely demise. These areas become infused with the dark energy of the Malignant, creating a foreboding and malevolent atmosphere.
  • Temporal Anchors: Malignants are bound by temporal anchors, which tie them to specific points in time and prevent them from fully transitioning into the afterlife. These anchors are often linked to the traumatic events or unresolved issues that characterized the Malignant's life. The Spiritualist's ability to understand and manipulate these temporal anchors plays a crucial role in dealing with Malignants, as severing or resolving these ties can weaken the entity's presence in the Spiritual Realm.
  • Crossing Over: The process of Malignants crossing over from the Spiritual Realm to the physical world is a delicate and often malevolent affair. They exploit rifts or thinning veils between the two realms, seeking opportunities to breach the barrier and manifest in the living world. Rituals, seances, or moments of heightened spiritual activity can inadvertently provide gateways for Malignants to cross over. The proximity of these entities to the physical world is heightened during such occurrences, making them more likely to attempt interactions with the living.
  • Interactions with the Living: When Malignants successfully cross over into the physical world, their interactions with the living can take various forms. Some may choose subtle manipulation, influencing thoughts and emotions, while others may opt for more overt actions such as moving objects, creating eerie sounds, or inducing nightmares. Their malevolent intentions often become more apparent when they target individuals with strong spiritual connections, attempting to exploit vulnerabilities or possess those who are susceptible to their dark influence.
  • Haunting Grounds: Malignants often establish haunting grounds in the physical world, specific locations where their spiritual energy is particularly concentrated. These haunting grounds are chosen strategically based on the Malignant's connection to the site or the potential for causing fear and suffering. Haunting grounds become hotspots for paranormal activity, with reports of strange occurrences, apparitions, and an overall sense of unease. Spiritualists must navigate these haunting grounds carefully, as they serve as focal points for the Malignant's influence on the living and attempts to extend its reach into the physical realm.


The behavior of Malignants is characterized by malevolence, cunning, and a relentless pursuit of causing pain and torment. While their actions can vary, certain patterns and tendencies define their behavior in the Spiritual Realm and when interacting with the living. Malignants harbor a deep-seated malevolence, often stemming from the unresolved issues, traumas, or dark desires that marked their lives. In the Spiritual Realm, they are driven by a relentless need to extend their influence into the physical world and inflict suffering upon the living. Malignants are known for their cunning and deceptive tactics. They may initially appear benign or attempt to manipulate the perceptions of the living, luring them into a false sense of security before revealing their true, malevolent nature. This cunning nature is particularly evident when they attempt to influence or possess the bodies of Spiritualists.   Malignants have the ability to manipulate spiritual energies, making them adept at influencing the thoughts, emotions, and actions of the living. They may exploit vulnerabilities, fears, or unresolved issues, amplifying negative emotions to create a conducive environment for their dark influence. In their pursuit of tormenting the living, Malignants often engage in haunting and poltergeist activities. This can include moving objects, creating mysterious sounds, or manifesting apparitions. The goal is to generate fear and unease among the living, feeding off the negative energy generated by their victims.   Malignants may seek to overtake and control the bodies of the living, especially those with a strong spiritual connection like Spiritualists. Possession allows them a more direct and impactful means of interacting with the physical world. However, these attempts can be resisted through the spiritual strength and resilience of the individual. While Malignants may offer potent skills and abilities if subdued by a powerful Spiritualist, there is always a risk of retribution. Once harnessed, these entities may turn on the Spiritualist, employing devious means to force compliance or enact revenge for their initial subjugation.   Malignants are bound to specific locations in the Spiritual Realm, and their behavior is often tied to these temporal anchors. Their connection to these places can intensify their actions and influence, making the chosen haunting grounds significant focal points for their malevolent activities. Malignants thrive on the negative energy they generate and the fear they instill in the living. The more fear and suffering they cause, the stronger their presence becomes. This creates a cyclical relationship where the Malignant gains strength from the emotional turmoil it induces.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Spiritual Awareness: Malignants perceive the Spiritual Realm and the living through a heightened spiritual awareness. This allows them to sense and interact with spiritual energies, including the auras of the living, residual energies in specific locations, and the presence of other spirits. This awareness extends beyond the limitations of the physical senses.
  • Dark Energy Sensing: Malignants are drawn to and can sense dark energy or negative spiritual vibrations. This ability enables them to locate areas with strong emotional imprints or unresolved traumas, making these locations prime targets for haunting or manifestation.
  • Temporal Sensitivity: Malignants are attuned to the flow of time, especially the moments connected to their temporal anchors. They can perceive events from their past lives as well as potential future interactions, allowing them to strategically plan their haunting activities.
  • Emotional Resonance: The emotions of the living emit a distinct spiritual resonance that Malignants can detect. They are particularly drawn to and can amplify negative emotions such as fear, grief, anger, and despair. This ability aids them in creating environments conducive to their malevolent influence.
  • Spiritual Energy Manipulation: Malignants possess the ability to manipulate spiritual energies, both their own and those around them. This manipulation allows them to influence the thoughts and emotions of the living, amplifying their malevolent impact during haunting or possession attempts.
  • Interdimensional Awareness: Malignants are aware of the veil between the Spiritual Realm and the physical world. They can sense fluctuations in spiritual energy that may indicate opportunities for crossing over. This heightened awareness allows them to exploit moments of increased spiritual activity for interactions with the living.
  • Limited Manifestation in the Physical Realm: While Malignants primarily exist in the Spiritual Realm, successful crossing over grants them limited manifestation in the physical world. During these manifestations, they may adopt temporary sensory perceptions akin to the living, allowing them to interact with physical objects and, in some cases, physically harm the living.
  • Psychic Connections: Malignants can establish psychic connections with the living, enabling them to communicate or influence thoughts without direct physical interaction. This ability allows them to manipulate individuals over distances and contributes to their deceptive tactics.
Scientific Name


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